Hi folks,
Going on a mini vacation, sort of a grand tour of southern Ontario, so tore into Marvin today a bit and inspected stuff.
Guess I did too much at once really as far as testing is concerned, whoops, sorry.
Changed oil out for Mobil 2000 5W30 (High mileage, extended drain, semi synth) been wanting to try it for a while, just got hold of some. Filter too of course, oversized it.
Put my hubcovers back on, they're fairly flat and only hole-y round the edge, figure they might do a tad better than nekkid steelies.
Changed out the thermostat, really wanted to go for a higher temp rating, but that was proving unpossible, couldn't find one to eyeball locally to check fit. Anyway, looked like my old one was sticking half open, which would explain why it took me a while to warm up.
Switched wheels around to get the very slightly off-true rim off the front and get rid of the annoying harmonic vibrations at certain speeds.
Sharpened up a spare rotor arm and switched it for the "knobbly" rotor arm I had in there, which I was rather unimpressed with. Think it idles smoother again.
Added turbulation devices... 15 degree angled inward pointing strips at the end of the roof rack rub strips on top, one strip top to bottom of the rear window, just in from the edge, but still in the blacked out area and one vertical strip about 1.25 inch ahead of rear light clusters. Wanted to put angled strips on the sides but ran out of the foam tape I was using. Thought I had more, but buggered if I can find it. Anyway, that's angled vortex inducers on top and single trip strips on most of the side area.
Also did some "bodywork" with duct tape,

yes I need to get a couple of repair panels for the doors. But closing those holes off should help aero and stop spray from killing my window mechanisms.
Initial impressions from test run... oil seems like good stuff, motor revs freer, seems less draggy coasting in gear. Switch back to other rotor arm feels nicer too, smoother. Aero seems improved, seems to drop speed much slower from 80kph-60kph, hard to say for sure. Temp comes up a lot quicker, now holds at 2/5 gauge, and gets there promptly, and seems to cool quicker after standing at a light etc. One tire I have on might be a problem for FE, it was going a little soggy all the time in the winter, and I got fed up of it and swapped it off, but it had real good tread and my tires are about done. So it's on for now, but I am prolly going to have to top it up every day or two. Might settle down again, I've had tires do that, act like they have a real slow leak, but then behave again.
Anyhoo, gonna shoot for 30mpg... sounds high? Well I got 27 less a hair before, and that was with a doggy rotor arm, no hub covers, sticky thermostat and hwy drives in 25 min sections, not 2-4 hour solid runs like I will be doing. I'll be using my "E10 helper" cum hydrogen catalysation blend of course, 1oz TC-W3 and 16oz methanol in the tank, which may work even better now the thermostat is not flaking out.
Might report progress if I get online at all, (Supposedly get free internet at a couple of the cheapie motels, but not counting on it.)
Road Warrior