Thank you for your warming welcome!
I do what I can to help the enviroment(beacause I want to. I'ts all the movies. An inconvenient truth, the age of stupid, avatar and so on). Also, I'm a poor student. Not much time for working these days.. And when my GF moved(to study) 7h(so much for enk?ping being swedens nearest town)(by car) south to b?stad from Enk?ping (where I live) I'm the one who has to travel because of her tight schedule. And as I said I'm a poor student, with SJ( having monopoly the train tickets cost a small fortune.
One trip down there going by train cost more than going down and back home with car, twise.
And flying one way cost half of the train ticket. But thats just the ticket, then theres the bus till and from the airport. Also flying is heavily damaging the enviroment.
(If you think this is ****ed up, reaserch our preacious systembolaget( and there monopoly!)
These four factors brought me here!
And this video:
Hmm coasting. Thats when you drive in neutral, right? No gear, without transmitting power? Coasting/idling? However, a new word is learned. Thank you!
Also, DFCO as I'we learned is wery effective when breaking, instead of the pedal. Also I use this technique when going down hill, if the angle is steep enough. Then you can really feel the pain from your wallet growing under your but(haha werent sure if but is spelled with one or tho "t", so I googled "nice but", it gave me an answer alright)!
And coasting/idling is using more gasoline than you might think, but as you said, using this on longer stretches uses less gasoline than not doing any of these techniques.
and thank you theholycow for adding more information

Block heater, thats two new words.

About the block heater, once when I started my car(a SAAB 93 1.8T) in the winter it used up about a quarter of the tank(????fuel storage) before it was usable. We can have wery cold winters!
There are two more things I'd like to share:
my father told me something thats pretty logical, but I never thought about it. A bigger engine will give more mpg than a smaller engine when 'ur driving on a larger road with higher speed limit, like a highway(ahah), while a small engine is better for the city with many stops n' goes and a lower speed limit.
That a smaller engine is better for the city I learned taking my drivers license. But that a bigger engine is better for the higher speeds and longer trips I just never thought of. Now, my father is working at his desk, doing his thing with papers and money. His this typical stock marketing guy. So he's not the person I usualy go for this kind of advice, if you know what I mean. But it sure sounds logical. The bigger engine is using lower RPM at 70mp/h than a smaller engine. But then again the bigger engine uses more gasoline in general. I don't know if it adds up, but he thinks so.
And the second thing. A GPS, global positioning system. I would be lost without mine. Litterally. But why this is so grate to earn a few miles per gallon is that if you use it, you wont get lost. If its the first time you visit someone(or if as in my case, many are moving due to studying) you wond be driving around for 5-10 minutes just looking at house numbers and street names. This also might save you from bumping into something while not watching the road. If your friends also owns some sort of GPS you can just pass the coordinates to each other. If he or she doesent, I'm sure there are websites with adresses and coordinates. And yes there is. I used google maps to find out the coordinates till the area where I live.

Just turn in there and its a red and white house on sm?rsoppsgatan. Youre welcome, I'll give you all a cookie. hahahahaha.