After looking at the program
AutoMobil that runs on palm pdas I figured I would list all theinfo that is displayed on the main screen. This way we can figure out what info is really needed.
Current Fuel Economy
Avg Fuel Economy
Avg dist month
Avg dist year
Average cost month
total cost
cost per mile
date of last fillup
mileage last fillup
estimated last fillup
also on the input screen it asks for:
current odometer
Gallons (with the option to select fillup, partial fillup, or unknown tank)
it shows on the bottom of the screen cost/gal
so with that being used on a popular program but not being able to fit on a small screen is there any of that info we could live without, or what 4-5 things would you want on the main screen and what other stuff would you want to have to scroll down to see. I like the way it automatically inserts the date and the way it lets you indicate if you have an unknown tank so it doesn't mess up your averages.
I would really like to be able to come up with a easy way to interface with the gassavers website and update the gas log automatically but that would have to be phone and network dependant. It would also possibly require changing how the gas log operates. Maybe make it optional so it won't run up charges without anyone expecting it. The only other option is to make it save the data to a file on the phone that could be then copied to a computer and imported to the site. But the way most phone interfaces are set up it would be easier to retype the info onto the website