One word: "

Mine's dark green, has a black interior, and on Mondays I spend pretty much the entire day on the road, a good part of it in town with lots of low-speed and stop-and-go traffic. Monday afternoon before last I rolled by one of those bank signs that said the temperature was 120F... and I could believe it (the official high at the airport 20 miles away was 98F).
Haven't had the air on yet this year (except cycling it occasionally to keep the machinery happy). It's a little challenging sometimes, but a thousand times better than having a roof over your head trapping the heat in.
I haven't done any serious drag studies yet, but the few times I've had the top up due to rain I haven't noticed an increase in FE. We'll see if that holds true come this Fall when I have the top up more consistently and can get more reliable numbers.
EDIT: I realize this post doesn't address the OP's question. The thread has drifted more towards "how do you manage" in general, and I wanted to acknowledge that having a convertible's probably the only thing saving me from running my A/C. I, too, don't know how some of you guys do it. I Am Not Worthy.