Currently, I'm in warm Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina on some training (65 degrees, sunny). Other members in training report that Kansas City is getting pounded by Sleet/Ice/Freezing Rain/then about 8" expected of snow on top of that this afteroon to evening.
First thing being first -- I'm not sure how quickly they'll get the airport cleared(changing planes in Charlotte, NC -- so no problem there).
Then when I get home, probably a 1/8" ice on the car, with copious snow. This has to kill FE. I'm going to try to reduce idle time, but I may have to get some heat onto the glass surfaces to break the ice loose.
For those who haven't visited our airport, it's a series of 3 semi-circular terminals, arranged in a circle. It's quite easy to practically park at your gate. Down the road, a private company has covered parking at the same price, but you have to wait for a bus (which is why I quit using them in warm weather -- I reduce wait time whenever possible). It looks like I'll have to check the Weather more frequently now -- but Winter's here in reality, but not on paper.
*This area here is where those who live North of me or already have this Weather (such as in Canada, Minnesota, the Rockies, or even Finland) can toss-in the cold weather jabs*