Is 60 mph the new 55?
A mile away from where I live is the I-15 highway. It's a 75 mile an hour zone. I lived through the 80's and 90's when there was an imposed 55 mile an hour speed limit. In 91, I took a cross country trip and on an open stretch I got 24 at 55, 20 at 65, and 18 mpg at 75.
Recently while driving the Solstice - which has an on board computer - I can data log for average mpg and instant mpg. I found my best mileage was 34 at 63 mph. At 70 it went right down to 28.
Given the human condition, if you say 60, they'll go 65. If the Middle East heats up and gas hits 5 bucks, do you think an imposed 60 would lower national gas consumption?
I remember driving throught DC in 08, when gas hit 5 bucks, there were less cars on the road, and people drove slower, your thoughts?