Inexpensive Handling upgrade/Mpg increase
i'm talking about wheel spacers
you can get a 1/4 inch pair at you local car performance shop aluminum for 20$,
you'll thank me when you dont crash your car later
I wouldn't recommend this for heavy cars... anything under 3000 lbs you're fine,, skills needed: be able to remove wheels and line up spacers
you can put too much weight on your studs if the spacers are too big.. and I believe you're supposed to be able to turn the nuts a certain amount of time 11 or 15 or something.. if you're studs aren't long enough this is unsafe..
also I tried putting these spacers on the front of my car(disc brakes on the front, drums on the back, that's why they fit on the back) and broke some studs and I could have broken my calipers, because they looked like they fit but just barely didn't, Not recommended at all, could screw up the car with these types of spacers on the front, but they sell special spacers for racing that screw into the studs that might work well for this.. Make sure you know how to torque you're wheels back on correctly!
This will work with aligning your car.. I have talked to the mechanics at the alignment shop and they say that if I have the spacers on the back wheels it will not affect in any way them aligning the car for me. so just do it right.
This would probably help RWD vehicles that fishtail..
savings: less slowing down, priceless