You mean the connector to that little teeny RC looking motor? I was expecting something at least the size of 1/2 a beer can. That little golf ball sized thing is telling my 1.9L engine to idle faster and rob me of what, maybe 400 RPM and the subsequent GPH?!?!?!?!
I got a Mitchel On-Demand CD manual for Saturns for 10 bucks on Ebay, and I can't find any reference to this motor at all .
EDIT : Or is it actually an "idle control valve" like so :
This was under the FE updates and I didn't want to get to off topic for that thread. What is the purpose of the idle control valve? Is it sole function just for drivability issues or does it have something to do with emissions?
My engine usually takes 2.0 mile to reach operational temperature this time of year. At the 1.4 mile mark, which is a stop sign, I've increased my trip FE by 2.0 MPG at that point which stays the rest of the trip. It's almost as big a difference as with and without EBH. I've had no driveabilty issue at all except for the first 15 seconds you have to feather the gas to keep it from dieing after start in P. In D no problems at all. This comes out to around a 10% increase.