Coolant would still flow, by convection only - the idea would be to try to stop / slow convection somehow. One way is to use very good insulation on the pipes going to/from the liquid container - this would mean that the heat loss, by conduction/convection through the water would be reduced. Possibly solenoids could also be used - but this is more dangerous as a fault in these solenoids would prevent water flowing round the radiator when driving!.
Regarding the block heater - I've got a really good one - 2.7kw + automatic coolant circulation - it warms up my engine in 20 minutes

But I can't use it at work.
Regarding thermal mass - I calculated that a while back, that 10 litres of water will make a fairly big difference (note - I just did a recalculation, and found that, for my 150kg engine, it would be ideal to have 15 litres of water to get the engine to half the original temp of the water (e.g. if the engine was 20, and the water was 100, the final temp would be 60 degrees). This would make a big difference and bypass most/all of the enrichment phase.