Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs
Anouther deer killed my car. its gone no more Honda. Im looking for a civic or a prelude or even a jetta tdi. Am i crazy my budget is 5-6 grand tops. Will i find it for that? I dont want a billion miles on them though. Tell me what you think.
That's a hell of a way to go deer hunting! And are you OK? Is it even deer season yet? And is the deer salvageable? Back when the engineers were testing the VW bug prototypes in the mid '30s, one day they were driving through the Black Forest, they hit a deer, tweaked the car really bad but it was still driveable...saw a picture with them, the bent car and the deer tied to the top. No sense wasting good venison...
Anyway, to answer your question, 5-6 grand should get you something really nice with a little looking and dickering...