I just lost some weight (166lbs)
Weight reduction is always a favorite topic of mine. I removed and weighed a lot of crap in my car. My inspiration for this can be seen here (might come in handy for the Saturn folks):
Hears what I took out (in lbs.):
Front passenger seat- 39
Rear seat-38
Hub caps-4
sub woofer wiring- 2
Door weather striping- 4
Spare tire/ jack - 28
Trunk flooring/ false floor- 6
passenger mirror- 3
Air intake bits- 2
Subwoofer +amp- 40
Total= 166lbs
Total of stock parts= 124lbs
2008 EPA adjusted:

Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)