So, I recently joined a new agency that help people with cars to offer traveling to other people. All of the process is done on internet and its really easy to use. Its only deserving the Quebec province (CANADA...9hours from NY). Since I'm a student, its free to add, and I have no charge to put traveling offer. Every 2 week-end, I post 2 travels (90miles each) and for every person I transport, I get 10$. So I can get 40$ if they find me 4 people, and with a VX, 40$ can pay me lot more then 200miles... For them, they only pay 4 dollar to Allo-Stop (the name of the agengy), so they get a good ride for 14$ (bus is 30 i think, and longer).
So now the VX cost me even less, and traveling with other people can kill the time... Also, I mainly travel with other student from my school.

to maximizing the use of the VX and is 50mpg