06-27-2007, 06:37 AM
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Honda/Acura 5-speeds, Fusion Concerns
Before the TSX, I lucked out and had the '99 TL (first year for the re-design, but the year in that generation with the 4-speed). 2000 onward had the terrible 5-speed auto (along with the MDX, etc.). Especially the type-S models failed.
They extended the warranty (even on mine) until 100K miles -- but I heard of several owners who had those fail after 20-30K miles. Ours must have been hanging on by a thread. The CEL came on for "Low fluid pressure -- 3rd gear" about every 6-months. We drove it well into the 130K mile range (bought it as a short-term replacement at 80K miles). After the motor mounts started acting-up, we traded it. It paid for itself with good resale value...
Which brings me to the Fusion. So many are dumped into the fleet market, that the resale value will plummet. In addition, I've seen the accelerated wear, electrical gremlins, and really got a feel for reliability. Psy- I'm not sure if you'd like it. As always, I recommend a quick check of Consumer Reports for reported problem areas. Also consider the Honda vs. Ford service department structure. It might be better, I dunno.
See if you can drive a new one (drives very well), and maybe one with at least 10K miles, like a rental (shows the wear, might be an auto, though). I had a real blast driving one on the backroads of Ohio when I visited my folks. The second experience showed good FE for its size, but the concerns that I noted...
Just my 2-pence.
Originally Posted by lovemysan
The deal with the TL was honda knew the transmission was lemon and they orphaned it. They'll install all the "rebuilt by the lowest bidder transmissions" you want until a 100k. The 100k mile service and expensive valve adjustment were icing on the cake. Also there was high failure rates of the front motor mounts.
All in all there very solid cars. The trans just doesn't last and the maintenance is expensive. And yes I could afford it but why would you want to. The tranny was orphaned by honda and will go out. If you can get it rebuilt for $2k your looking at 36 month/36k warranty. Failure rates on the replacements are pointlessly excessive. Read thread below.
The sunfire baring no other I've ever owned is the best car. 2.2l 3 speed auto. Mileage was dead consistant at 26city 32hwy at 180k original plugs, wires, timing chain etc. The only non maintenance repair was an a/c compressor, greased the rear brake self adjusters, and top motor mount. Less than $300 total.
06-27-2007, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by 96hb
I don't know what you guys are doing to your cars, but IMO Honda's are the most reliable cars on the road. I have owned 2 Accord's and 2 Civic's and had no problems whatsoever out of any of them, outside of normal maintenance. I even beat the hell out of my last Civic (93 coupe) on a daily basis, blew a headgasket at 170k miles in the middle of nowhere, drove it about 20 miles smoking like a banshee (it still got me home), replaced hg, resurfaced head, and good as new. My current hatch has 171k miles on it and still regularly gets 47-50mpg. These cars can take a beating and keep on going well passed 200k miles. How many Ford's or Chevy's can you say that about? And parts for Honda's are not expensive. WTF? Especially Civic's and Accord's. And they are so easy to work on, do the work yourself! Of course the higher end Acura's are a different story. That is more of a luxury car than econobox Civic. And I see you are regularly getting mpg in the 50's, so IMHO, you should just hush and be satisfied. What are you expecting, 80mpg out of that heavy pig? If you want that, go buy a Metro and have fun fixing things on it weekly. Or drive that awesome Rangler that you speak so affecionately about. 
Ok fanboy.
09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
Mild Hypermiler or Mad Man?
06-27-2007, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by ma4t
I complained about my Mazda - it's made by Ford. It had electrical problems Sometimes it would start but not go into gear. Sometimes, my headlights wouldn't work. Then it would pop random fuses. I carried a box of spare fuses for when they burned out. Did I mention it had the worst case of static electricity I've ever seen in a car?
Finally, we went to tow a Uhaul trailer and the guy from the store came running after me down the street. "Your car's on fire!!!!" Yeah, I freaked. Turns out, the amateur who installed the non-Mazda towing package botched the wiring, and bare wires were touching bare metal in the tail lamp housing.
I shut the engine off, disconnected the battery, and they installed new wiring so I could tow the trailer. 1000 miles later, I smelled burning plastic and saw smoke coming from the same tail light. I disconnected the battery an immediately took off the tail lamp housing. Once again, bare wires touching metal. So I took off the crappy wiring and now I'm taking off the hitch to save weight.
Bottom line: Somebody botched a mod, and it manifested itself in random occurrences. I was just about to trade in the POS for having random electrical problems. But once I took off the bad wiring, I haven't had a single problem with it. Now, at 80,000 miles, I have no problems with the vehicle. I might just drive it until it falls apart.
Ive owned Ford/Mazda's and Ford Kia. With no real problems at all.
The Ranger. Ford/Mazda,, Has had some issues. A constent labor knock. Ford could never get that fixed. I got it fixed 6 or 8 months ago myself. It developed a crack in a cab weld within two weeks of ownership. It did have a electrical problem. The wiring harness burned up for the fuel pump 2k miles out of warranty. Ford ended up fixing for free. Ford Motor Company Credit didnt like the thought of eating the Truck.
09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
Mild Hypermiler or Mad Man?
06-27-2007, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by psyshack
Ok fanboy.
Damn right! And if you are so dissatisfied with yours, why not get rid of it and buy something else? Complaining is useless. Do something about it! Oh and EVERY person I've ever known personally who owned a Kia had nothing but problems with it from the get-go. That's why they have those 100k warranties...YOU NEED IT! Those cars suck.
06-27-2007, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by rh77
Before the TSX, I lucked out and had the '99 TL (first year for the re-design, but the year in that generation with the 4-speed). 2000 onward had the terrible 5-speed auto (along with the MDX, etc.). Especially the type-S models failed.
They extended the warranty (even on mine) until 100K miles -- but I heard of several owners who had those fail after 20-30K miles. Ours must have been hanging on by a thread. The CEL came on for "Low fluid pressure -- 3rd gear" about every 6-months. We drove it well into the 130K mile range (bought it as a short-term replacement at 80K miles). After the motor mounts started acting-up, we traded it. It paid for itself with good resale value...
Which brings me to the Fusion. So many are dumped into the fleet market, that the resale value will plummet. In addition, I've seen the accelerated wear, electrical gremlins, and really got a feel for reliability. Psy- I'm not sure if you'd like it. As always, I recommend a quick check of Consumer Reports for reported problem areas. Also consider the Honda vs. Ford service department structure. It might be better, I dunno.
See if you can drive a new one (drives very well), and maybe one with at least 10K miles, like a rental (shows the wear, might be an auto, though). I had a real blast driving one on the backroads of Ohio when I visited my folks. The second experience showed good FE for its size, but the concerns that I noted...
Just my 2-pence.
We purchased the Hondas believing in there quality. Started at Yota dealers. But theres not enough KY on the planet to make going to one of our local Yota dealers anything but rape.
My brother has had great luck with Mitu's. My sister and her husband are Yota buyers come hell or highwater. They consider it a blessing to pay mark up over msrp.
I believe in Hondas engines. They are works of art IMO. But it would seem some of there controls and other things that make up a car are not as well thought out or produced.
Honda is known to make some great trannys and some bad ones. A 5MT your safe,, 5AT on a I4,,, OK. 6MT or 5AT on a V6. You might well have issues.
Its just dishearting to see the civic at times not do its best. When I know Im on the bubble and the weathers good.
I honestly believe the issues I have are a result of the north american supply chain. And north american labor. And to some it may seem petty to them. The wife and I thought about it long and hard before we jumped on the Honda band wagon. It hasnt turned out like we thought. She dosen't want to trade her Accord. She loves her car ,, problems and all. I like my Civic. From afar its a good looking car. And it drives good. But I dont trust it. Anybody ever want to drive it and play with a SG come to Tulsa. Bet you walk away with a twisted smile and scratching your head.
I have to go see some customers this afternoon. The weather is sucking, rain, wind and such. Si I will see how it behaves for this run and the drive home. I would expect mid 40's out of it in these conditions. Watch it go high 40's.
09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
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06-27-2007, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by psyshack
Ive owned Ford/Mazda's and Ford Kia. With no real problems at all.
The Ranger. Ford/Mazda,, Has had some issues. A constent labor knock. Ford could never get that fixed. I got it fixed 6 or 8 months ago myself. It developed a crack in a cab weld within two weeks of ownership. It did have a electrical problem. The wiring harness burned up for the fuel pump 2k miles out of warranty. Ford ended up fixing for free. Ford Motor Company Credit didnt like the thought of eating the Truck. 
LOL. It all comes down to the $, doesn't it? Seriously, after fixing that crappy wiring job that back yard mechanic did, the Mazda has been a dream machine (except the paint which could be more a function of the salt we use here).
06-27-2007, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by lovemysan
The deal with the TL was honda knew the transmission was lemon and they orphaned it. They'll install all the "rebuilt by the lowest bidder transmissions" you want until a 100k. The 100k mile service and expensive valve adjustment were icing on the cake. Also there was high failure rates of the front motor mounts.
All in all there very solid cars. The trans just doesn't last and the maintenance is expensive. And yes I could afford it but why would you want to. The tranny was orphaned by honda and will go out. If you can get it rebuilt for $2k your looking at 36 month/36k warranty. Failure rates on the replacements are pointlessly excessive. Read thread below.
The sunfire baring no other I've ever owned is the best car. 2.2l 3 speed auto. Mileage was dead consistant at 26city 32hwy at 180k original plugs, wires, timing chain etc. The only non maintenance repair was an a/c compressor, greased the rear brake self adjusters, and top motor mount. Less than $300 total.
lol i know the 2.2L will last forever! i have 137,000 on my 95 s-10 with a 2.2L and i have done absolutely nothing to it. only thing was starter but those can go out on anyhting  all ive done to my truck for the past 3 years was regular oil changes. started up in -20*F weather starts up now in 90+*F humid weather.
lots of people in a forum for s-series i belong to have 100K trouble free miles, alot have over 200K miles and a few even have 300K with mostly basic maintinince.
06-27-2007, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by psyshack
Its just dishearting to see the civic at times not do its best. When I know Im on the bubble and the weathers good.
Perhaps your expectations are too far out of whack? You claim to consistently get high 40's low 50's mpg. What more do you want? You are already well above what the car is supposed to do. Be grateful, or get rid of it and buy a manual tranny. That is all. The whining is getting to be a bit much.
06-27-2007, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by 96hb
Perhaps your expectations are too far out of whack? You claim to consistently get high 40's low 50's mpg. What more do you want? You are already well above what the car is supposed to do. Be grateful, or get rid of it and buy a manual tranny. That is all. The whining is getting to be a bit much.
Let's not start a fight over it...
He has a right to complain if the vehicle isn't performing as it has in the past. I learned from the thread so far that an ECU reset might help during Weather or Seasonal changes.
06-27-2007, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by 96hb
Perhaps your expectations are too far out of whack? You claim to consistently get high 40's low 50's mpg. What more do you want? You are already well above what the car is supposed to do. Be grateful, or get rid of it and buy a manual tranny. That is all. The whining is getting to be a bit much.
Have you driven a 8th gen Civic yet? Have you bought a Honda and the list of warranty issues Ive had? Have you even pushed your current ride or any other car as hard as Ive pushed this one? Have you not noticed what I do like about the car? I think you need to go to another thread! Fanboy
09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
Mild Hypermiler or Mad Man?
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