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Old 12-06-2005, 03:38 PM   #131
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Avoid buying Labratory or

Avoid buying Labratory or Phamaceutical grade potassium anything, as pure potassium salts can be cracked into the raw materials for plastic explosives, and might be on some Home Land Security list of monitored substances. Lye would have to many impurities in it to make plastic. Timothy McViegh used Potassium Nitrate(fertilizer) as the base for that explosive mixture.

Why does is seem like we are trying to build a perpetual motion machine here? If the electricity to crack water, would produce enough Hydrogen and Oxygen to power an engine to produce that electricity, whatever the accelerant/catalyst, it would be a perpetual motion machine wouldn't it? Assuming that the burn could be made cool enough, why bother with the gas at all?

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Old 12-06-2005, 03:48 PM   #132
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Can't make enough of the

Can't make enough of the crap to run the engine by itself.

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Old 12-06-2005, 03:57 PM   #133
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Re: Avoid buying Labratory or

Originally Posted by CruiseControl
Why does is seem like we are trying to build a perpetual motion machine here? If the electricity to crack water, would produce enough Hydrogen and Oxygen to power an engine to produce that electricity, whatever the accelerant/catalyst, it would be a perpetual motion machine wouldn't it? Assuming that the burn could be made cool enough, why bother with the gas at all?
you're exactly right on this. People have been trying to get energy out of water for a while now. The difference here is that it's just being used to assist the gasoline instead of replace it.

But then again free energy is that allusive desire of everyone.
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Old 12-06-2005, 05:31 PM   #134
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You're right on the chemical

You're right on the chemical stuff. Homeland security checks it and everything whenever you buy it. When I started asking the seller too many questions about KOH he got really suspecious.

I know where to buy everything now. KOH, the metal, the ABS, the fittings. Just waiting on results and it's a go.

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Old 12-07-2005, 05:03 PM   #135
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Re: Well my theory was proved...

Originally Posted by DaX
Originally Posted by Compaq888
KOH=Potassium Hydroxide

What products are potassium hydroxide????
Potash lye if you can find it. The other more common type of lye is sodium hydroxide.
You could make it.
The only thing I would worry about is that it would be too dirty and eventually the junk in it would cover up your electrodes causing them not to work.
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Old 12-07-2005, 05:24 PM   #136
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Easy-Off Cautions

When I saw the guys wince as they opened the PVC container in the test unit, I realized that something was EXTREMELY noxious. Easy-Off oven cleaner uses Sodium Hydroxide, which has similar valences to Potassium Hydroxide, the Hydroxide ions are probably the stong culprit. On the side of the Easy-Off Oven Cleaner can they state specifically "Do not use on Aluminum, chrome, baked enamel." If the test car has aluminum heads, this could be an uninspectable problem. Especialy when the fact that the heads are not coated with lubricating oil. Instead they are left to stand up to the intense heat of combustion in the presence of a stong base, without protection. Also aren't fuel injector nozzels made of ceramics(enamel)? I know, it's always something, if it's not one thing it's another. Best of luck!
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Old 12-08-2005, 08:36 AM   #137
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I'm not going to use Sodium

I'm not going to use Sodium Hydroxide, it's a little bit too strong. Sodium Hydroxide will erode my electrodes really fast. Instead I'm going to use Potassium Hydroxide. It's a lot easier on the electrodes.

All these chemicals are used to make soap. If you watch a movie named Fight Club with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton they show how to make soap and explain all the chemicals. One of the chemicals was vinegar which neutralizes the reaction.

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Old 12-17-2005, 09:35 AM   #138
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Any Update from SVOboy or

Any Update from SVOboy or Flatlandtwo on the amps????

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Old 12-27-2005, 07:55 PM   #139
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Carbon rod electrodes

Here is a variation on the electrolysis theme:


The electrodes are carbon rods from a battery.
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Old 01-02-2006, 06:24 AM   #140
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Home Made Hydrogen for better milage

Wow! I really found a forum to get my work published on.
I own a 1992 f-250 6.7 liter Diesel pickup. My wife Drives an 98 Olds Cutlas with a 3100 v6 front wheel drive fourdoor.

When I started researching the newer Ideas I built a box that had two stainless 8 inch bolts 1/2 inch thick. I hid nothing, it looked the same outside as it looked inside. the bolt head was inside the box and had stainles nut as spacers between 1 and 1/2 inch washers as electrodes. I can get 8 washers inside the box, with 2 rubber washers inside and 1 outside to seal the drilled holes.

Ok,now we got 2 electrodes 1 above the other spaced about 1 inch between them so they dont hit and short out during bumps. My truck has 2 batteries hooked up for 12 volts and whatever amps they put out together. With the Neg clamped the the Neg on drivers side and the Pos clamped to Pos on the pasenger side bat. I wired the box so the pos wires came into the cab so as to clip the open pos wire to complete the circuit. This got 24.7 mpg on warmed up engine, I have driven on this for three weeks and the mpg's fell off as the baking soda I used to make electrolite cooked ans dirtied my stainles setup.

So I cleaned the stainless with a oxy brillo pad and added dual switch, stainless switch plate covers onto the 1/2 inch bolts, still using the nuts as spacers and still using the 1.5 inch washers to stabilize the plats from flexing. this produced 3-4 times the bubbles as before, I left the oxy bolt cleaned but unaltered, as I am mostly intrested in increasing the hydrogen output.

Well this set-up draws way more current, so I need to use my multi meter and find a circuit to put this on that only has 2-3-4 volts and 15-30 amps. Be carefull you dont burn your finger with clips and such, as two batts can weld in the right setup!!!

Now as to this being dangerous? Not really, DONT CREATE AN ARC INSIDE YOUR BOX AS IN A SHORTED BAT! In my kitchen sink I purposly lit the gas on a tupperware container, production pressure will pop open the lid! The dilivery hose removed, producing hydrogen, I lit the gases that reached the hole where the hose was and the gases lit and burnt off without and explosion!! With the hose hooked up I lit the end of the hose, and could hear the gasses burning and whisling as the oxygen was sucked into the hose. My container, was 6 inches by 9 inches, with a 1 inch space at the top for clearance on the hose or lid, as the hose is threaded into the lid so as not to loose any gasans to hold onto the lid in case of a flashback. Well it did blow the lid off!!! Every one watching as I showed off my creation to those people in attendance, laughed and said that was proof positive that the box was indeed producing a burnable fuel.

None hurt, injured or otherwise disapointed we to dream up other setups and I displayed the dual switchplates, I now need to find a lower voltage under my hood as the wires got rather warm, this thig acts as a capacitor!! You can hook it up inline on a circuit and it will pass a current to whatever is next inline and your hydrogen IS FREE BYPRODUCT!!!! So I dont want to here any bull about over unity, or not being enough elec available to produce enough hydrogen, this thing produces enough to to have doubled my mpg's on a large 6.7 liter diesel, So now I a greedy individual. I want to get better milage than what I'm now getting. I am willing to share my results with others, for free. what I'm doing I found for free on the net and refuse to pay anything as If I search on the net long enough I'll find a way to increase my results. Let's all work to share what we find and stop using therory and share results.

If we use a control box to put a signal thru the current to phase with the molecular frequency of water, and there are diagrams out there to do this very thing we just gotta buy some stuff a radioshack.

I want positive feedback from positive people.


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