How to kill your battery or P&G at night...
My first foray into increased FE has been a seat of the pants attempt at P&G. Since I work 3rd shift there is rarely anyone else on the road and I've been gliding down to 20-23mph.
After 2 tankfulls my battery died. It has taken a charge again but it is clearly weaker than before, I don't think it'll make it through a VT winter. All of a sudden LED tail/dash/headlights seem very practical and I'm dreaming of deep cycle batteries.
In the meantime I'm doing a tank of 40mph max under power and coasting down hills, engine on. This may be the plan for the winter anyway, since the car also produces almost no heat from the heater during P&G, no big deal at 50 degrees F, but 28 F was chilly.
What else can I do to bump the FE without spending an arm and a leg?
"If you want to save gas I suggest you permanently remove the drivers seat and steering wheel. That seems to help." -Oscar Halverson