How to Increasing gas mileage on my 1993 Ford Ranger 4.0L automatic - Fuelly Forums

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Old 06-29-2008, 05:11 PM   #1
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How to Increasing gas mileage on my 1993 Ford Ranger 4.0L automatic

Greetings I'm new to this forum and looking for tips:

I am seeking new ways of increasing the gas mileage of my 1993 Ford Ranger extra cab 4.0 liter v6 automatic.

Does anyone have any good tips?

I have found two gadgets I'm inclined to try:

I didn't see anything in this forum discussing anyone trying these (is there a particular place in this forum I didn't look at?):

1. The magnet device placed on the fuel line "Fuel Master" sold through automotive. They offer a money back guarantee on all the items they sell.

2. The Ionizer corona device that attaches to the spark plug wires that uses the firing spark plug to excite the gas in the other plug wire cylinders to induce more complete burning. (I don't see a money back guarantee, I think I'll write them and ask about that...).

Years ago I did try the tornado air intake vortex metal device but I did not see an increase in mileage and returned it to JC and got my money back and I see they don't sell it anymore.

I've read about the Hydrogen-Oxygen vapor derived from water in a bottle with electrodes attached to the car battery. I'm curious but the amount of work to make this and install it and I haven't been able to find solid evidence that this will increase my mileage and I live in CO where water freezes in the winter and I haven't seen that problem addressed either. I see you can buy a book that tells you how to get the parts from hardware stores and make it yourself. Sounds like a jig saw nightmare...I'm not an engineer. I guess they are still perfecting that...

I've also read some about heating the fuel line and am planning on looking at my fuel line configuration to see if this is easy to do...

I realize that some of these devices may noticeably work on only certain vehicles too.

I have an amateur mechanic's education and background. I've already done the sensible things...
I already had replaced my wide profile tires with narrow 195's and keep them fully inflated and drive very conservatively and keep it tuned up. I keep the bed empty. etc. I currently get approx 16 mpg in the city.

I think in the near future some of us will be driving electric battery vehicles to work if the gas prices continue to climb....

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Old 06-29-2008, 05:36 PM   #2
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Ok, I feel like a jerk, I try not to post totally negative messages...but this one is full of negativity. I apologize but here's the truth.

I don't know what kind of FE I got out of it, but I had a similar Ranger with the 4.0 V6 and it was one hell of a pig to drive.

The miracle magnet/corona/tornado/etc devices do not work.

Do not buy a book/plans or pay for anything telling you how to build the HHO generator. It's just basic electrolysis and is discussed thoroughly on this site. Some people claim to have success with it. I'm skeptical but not close-minded. Search around and feel free to try it, you don't have to use it in the winter (or you could heat it).

The same can be said of heating the fuel, although realistically there shouldn't be a reason why heating the fuel helps; heating the intake air is confirmed effective and may be easier to do.

Narrower tires may not help. The jury is out on that. Narrower tires are lighter and more aerodynamic, but they may have worse rolling resistance due to a longer contact patch and/or reduced load capacity that means they're closer to their maximum load. There's links about tire pressure and tire width in my sig.
This sig may return, some day.
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