compression fittings are not a big deal people. It's very easy to seal a fuel line properly, without leaks.
Something that chope (Christopher) fails to provide is more than a couple numbers typed out. That isn't convincing enough these days to make people want to cut into their fuels lines without knowledge. For those that feel safe doing that (I included) its not a big deal. I have a project car I'm more than willing to waste time on rabbit trail ideas, when I have the time.
Something to consider Chris (can I call you that?), is provide a picture log of the mileage. Yes, one could fake that too, but at least it shows you're willing to try to convince others for the greater good besides words from your mouth. A picture of the start mileage, a picture of the end, and a picture of the receipt showing the gallons; all dated accordingly. I for one, would feel convinced by that.
This mod does not support anyone, does not give anyone money, doesn't even make things worse (from what we deduce). Therefore, what harm does it do? So Chris sucks at convincing folks. Maybe he's not a people person. A lot of shadetree mechanics aren't, but have interesting ideas that work.
Whoever has the knowledge to do this safely and wishes to, do it for Chris, since he doesn't appear to have the people skills (no offense, you don't) to convey the message.