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Old 02-03-2010, 09:03 PM   #31
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found msg coils for a saturns

but no taylor wires for a saturn what's comparable to taylor?

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Old 02-03-2010, 09:56 PM   #32
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im awesome like this

just got this advice on saturnfans(this advice is for saturn, maybe other cars..)

Stay with stock coils or you will be very sorry and out about 100.00. As for wires Magnecor makes a 7mm direct fit wire set that functions just fine and should last for a good while. Get the part number for the set you want and then do a search for a discount. The 7mm set is a 60 or so list and it can be found for 40 or so if you look.

btw the guys there are extremely intelligent when it comes to fixing cars

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Old 02-05-2010, 07:43 AM   #33
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Two things I have noticed.

1) FE is improved in low RPM with moderate throttle. For example at 35mph in 5th gear up a hill... This suggests incomplete fuel burning with the stock ignition under low RPM load.

No other times has a FE increase been noted.

2) The engine gets hotter quicker sitting still. Generally with the ambient temps low like they have been, the truck would sit at 205F or so at the stop lights around here. However, since the hotter coil, the temps have been reaching the 220-225F area. This could be counter productive in the summer months if it means having to turn on the E-fan to bring the temps back down.

Eagle - If you don't upgrade the rest of your ignition system, the house brand wires at any auto parts house are a much better option. You'll never see FE savings return from buying expensive wires.
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:47 PM   #34
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Re: Hotter Ignition + Wider Plug Gap

Can anyone provide suggestions on how to upgrade to a "hotter" coil ? I have a 94 Geo Metro XFI 3cyl. we are trying to figure out why I am seeing a nearly 8-10mpg drop on E10 compared to E0 one of the thoughts going around is the car is not "sparking" hot enough to properly light the E10 blended fuel so fuel economy suffers much more than normal.

So how would I go about finding or getting a "hotter" coil that will plug into my metro?

any help would be greatly appreciated !
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Old 10-22-2010, 10:02 PM   #35
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Re: Hotter Ignition + Wider Plug Gap

Originally Posted by Nerys View Post
Can anyone provide suggestions on how to upgrade to a "hotter" coil ? I have a 94 Geo Metro XFI 3cyl. we are trying to figure out why I am seeing a nearly 8-10mpg drop on E10 compared to E0 one of the thoughts going around is the car is not "sparking" hot enough to properly light the E10 blended fuel so fuel economy suffers much more than normal.

So how would I go about finding or getting a "hotter" coil that will plug into my metro?

any help would be greatly appreciated !
You should try advancing the timing by a couple degrees before buying anything. Also check the condition of the plugs, wires, coil and the wires that feed the coil. Older cars from wet climates tend to build up corrosion on electrical terminals and plugs.
Dave W.
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Old 10-23-2010, 06:00 AM   #36
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Re: Hotter Ignition + Wider Plug Gap

we have checked EVERYTHING we can think of. Brand new complete tune up. I changed out everything including the O2 sensor.

Seafoamed everything. ripped out the EGR and cleaned the crap out of it including the ports in the block and put it back together.

One of the things we came up with was a Hybrid SUV that also got 30% reduction of FE on E10 the dealer fixed it by correcting the computer programming to a proper "hotter spark" to properly light the ethanol blend.

So we are thinking ok lets try that with my cars and "see what happens"

the car runs GREAT. smooth clean no issues or complaints. E10 46mpg E0 55mpg (my FE got better as the weather got hotter but the 8-9mpg separation continued)

Compression is good 185 all 3 (not bad for 150,000 miles)

The timing is advanced as far as I can without damaging the car (5') so I can't advance it anymore without modifications.

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