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Old 10-31-2007, 10:11 PM   #31
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I5 usually isn't bad on the weekdays. Its one boring drive but pretty easy on the passengers.

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Old 11-03-2007, 07:54 PM   #32
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I finally finished my trip on Thursday. I think the best highway driving tip that I found was, don't take kids on a long road trip. Fly if you have the means. But if you can't fly then travel at night or really early in the morning. The 400 mile legs that we did took about 6.5 hours if we left early. If we left later it took betweek 8 and 9 hours because of the frequent stops. Thanks for all the help and support.


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Old 11-03-2007, 08:50 PM   #33
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Busses and trains are better for FE. Planes use more fuel, but the loss of headaches are well worth the gamble.

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Old 11-03-2007, 09:33 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by popimp View Post
Busses and trains are better for FE. Planes use more fuel, but the loss of headaches are well worth the gamble.
Actually, depending on the number of people and type of vehicle, planes can be more efficient than traveling by car! A typical modern jet airliner gets about 60MPG per passenger. So if you are traveling alone, you would have to drive a car that gets better than 60MPG in order to burn less fuel than your share of the fuel burned by an airliner. In other words, it won't be too easy to do this even with that 1988 CRX HF that you just swapped a D15Z1 into. Two people would need to drive together in a car that gets better than 30MPG to better a plane, three people would have to drive together in a vehicle that gets better than 20MPG, etc, etc. While it becomes more likely that you can better the plane with more people, the fact is that most cars that two people would drive together in don't get 30MPG. And when three or more people drive long distance, chances are they are going to drive some fuel hog SUV, and not a Civic or Prius. Espeially if we are talking big people with lots of luggage. So the plane might do better here as well. Furthermore, new planes such as the Boeing Dreamliner and the new double deck plane by Airbus (don't know the name) are getting around 80MPG per passenger. On any kind of long trip, this would be VERY hard to beat by driving. And because gas turbine engines are getting better and better in terms of efficiency (the best airliner engines are over 40% efficient these days), air travel promises to become even more efficient in the future.

Of course, improvements in gas turbine efficiency, combined with electrification of railroads, also promises to improve the efficiency of rail travel (MUCH electricity is generated by natural gas fired gas turbine power plants).
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:03 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by 2TonJellyBean View Post
1993, not all cruise controls are alike.

Many people complain if a cruise control allows speed to drop while climbing hills, so the auto manufacturers are damned if they do and damned if they don't and most likely damned if they allow us to be able to tune the desired response.

We have a new Santa Fe and a 2001 Accord and the difference is using the cruise is night and day. With the Accord, my foot is so much better but with the Santa Fe, the cruise is that much smoother and isn't as aggressive in maintaining speed uphills. It's like the Accord adjusts in 15% increments while the SF does 3% increments.

On Rostra cruise controls (probably one of the best of the aftermarket models) they have adjustments for gain and sensitivity.
Heres an idea, make a cruise control that works both ways! Normal, and FE mode!
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:30 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Three6Eight View Post
I take 560 Mile Road Trips regularly.

Best tip is go 65 ( slower if you can handle it.)

I take my Regal when I take that trip and when I go 65 I get 33 miles per gallon. 75 and it drops to about 25 MPG

Thats 8 miles per gallon difference.

So going 75 I get there an hour earlier probably? I dont feel like doing the math

Anyway going 65 instead of 75 I save about $20 in gas. So its all up to you if the savings and lost time is worth it.
33mpg! that's pretty impressive. never driven my olds 100% hwy, but my high combined is just over 30. would like to make a short hwy only test run, but really can't afford to right now.

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