As rh77 said, it takes quite a bit of will power to drive for FE on long distance trips....
Other than the obvious....
I agree to pace semi's -- long haul semi trucks will drive much slower - in the 55-65mph range.
Get an early start in the morning - this will give you more daylight to drive by. Speed can be substituted by time. The difference between 55 and 65 over 500 miles is less than an hour and a half. The difference between 70 and 55 is less than two hours.
Try to pace yourself such that you don't hit major rush hour traffic in the larger cities
Eat light - you won't be doing too much, so you shouldn't need as much food. Over eating on the road just means more unnecessary stops
It sounds like you're taking a similar route to my trip from Orlando, FL to San Francisco, CA.
Going up mountains is going to suck - SUCK! On the steeper grades, there's typically a truck lane to accommodate the semi's that will be bogging up hill at 55mph.... Take advantage of that while going uphill
When you're in Podunk nowhere, you may come across these tiny cities where the speed limit goes from 70/75 down to 45/35....
If you have AAA - get a trip tik AND get the tourist guide books for every state you pass through. You'll find hotels, restaurants etc. that you can call ahead and such
If you don't have AAA - get it
I saved more than my membership on my summer road trip by having a AAA card