It looks like I'm going to be changing work, if not just plain old out of work.
If that happens the best thing I have to tide me over is re-selling things on eBay... and a mini van would
really help. The subu2 doesn't get great mileage (21.8 best so far) so I don't think it's gonna be that hard to beat.
Is there something else that seats 4+ and has a
LOT of luggage room that would be better? We're about 2 month from the "cars for sale" season here in New England, so I'm trying to plan ahead. Anything I buy now I can really beat them down on and my Subu2 is at the peak of it's market value for the year.
"If you want to save gas I suggest you permanently remove the drivers seat and steering wheel. That seems to help." -Oscar Halverson