Plan 1:
Buy a Honda Civic GX, fueled by Compressed Natural Gas.
Many taxi's use it because Ford manufactures a big sedan that uses CNG. And they can use the carpool lanes driving alone.
The Honda gets 24/36 MPG......big whoop!
. CNG costs under $2.00 vs just under $3.00 for gas, which will be going up.
. I can get the Diamond Lane pass and the Civic is the only vehicle that doesn't need to pay bridge tolls.....and I spend over $300.00 crossing bridges.
. If I get the home fueling system, PG&E, my home gas supplier will give me a really cheap rate for my gas.
. I can be so very environmentally stuck-up, driving the leastest smoggy car.
Plan 2:
Modify Clyde the Ride.
If I can drive a hundred or more miles a day using CNG I might cut my $40.00 or more daily fuel bill in half.
. As long as I'm doing courier driving, savings should pay off the investment in a couple to three years. Then

But I need help.
Where can I find what I need to add CNG to my truck?