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Old 07-20-2008, 07:06 PM   #1
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Red face Help- Vacation

Good evening, what a great site. I just stumbled on it today and I'm glad I did.
I have a question, I leave for vacation next week. I live in upstate NY and I'm going to Florida.This is at least 1200+ miles. If I could do just a few things to help my gas mileage what would they be? On a trip like that a few extra MPG could really save some money. I have a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan.22-23 MPG is what I general for gas mileage on trips like this. Thanks for the help

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Old 07-20-2008, 07:16 PM   #2
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First and foremost before you go on the road you should change your fluids. You should also over inflate your tires (to max pressure). SLow down. Don't drive so fast. I always drive 5mph under the post speed limit and you wouldn't believe the difference in mpg.

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Old 07-20-2008, 07:33 PM   #3
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well in my experience, going right at the limit really helps, and getting a gps/cell phone also. not only does it help on finding places, but once your lost it can guide you back to the right track quickly, instead of asking for directions.

I did 2 big road trips (3000 miles and 1200 miles) and my biggest tips are:

1. at every state that yo go to, go to their rest area first. pretty much all states have their "motel savings". it shows what exit theyre on, and what the price is. this is where the gps and cell phones are handy, you can call them if they still have room, and use the gps to get there. the low budget motels range from 20 bucks to 40 a night on the cheapest ones i seen

2. motel is better than a hotel. yes its cheaper, but on the other hand in a motel, your car is right in front of the room. so if you need something or someone tries to steal something in it, you can see it right away.

3. go to and check the gas prices on all the states that you will pass by. the cheapest states i seen was south carolina, nj, etc. this will help you out alot since different states have different taxes.

4. eat at fast food places only, choose salad if you want to be healthy. I made the mistake of eating at a local mom and pop diner in the middle of south Dakota, and wow.. i wasted 2 hours there waiting on the food to come and paying for tips.

5. eat in the car while driving. same as #4, trying to save time. i found myself saving alot of time by eating and driving, since at least im moving.

6. if you are short on time or want to be somewhere at a certain time, and finding yourself way behind schedule (happens on most road trips) go to a gas station only when you need to, and use the bathroom and load up on drinks, and food. I found out that going to gas stations waste about 35 miles traveled easily (assuming your going 70 mph). the reason is you slow down to the exit, park the car, get gas/receipt for 15 mins, stretch, turn on car, then slowly get on the onramp when if you didnt do this, you will be traveling 70 mph the whole time.

7. if your going thru a big city and it happens to be at rush hour traffic (parking lot at the highway). just exit and go sight seeing/check out a mall/store or something. not only you will get to stretch, but you save gas on the bumper to bumper traffic, and wasting 2 hours only to go 10 miles (exaggerating)

I hope this helps
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Old 07-21-2008, 01:30 PM   #4
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allow me to digress...

i live in orlando, so if you need any advice in regards to central florida roads, attractions, etc post here or send me a PM. best of luck and enjoy your holiday!

where in FL are you going?
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