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Old 06-17-2008, 05:53 AM   #11
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101mpg, have you considered calling the cops and complaining about the speeds of other drivers on that road? If they get enough complaints they might do some more enforcement on that road (the ticket revenue is always welcome). Then, if the speed limit is unreasonable for that road, people will complain and maybe eventually the limit will be raised, and you can drive at a more efficient speed than 25mph (unless your car really is most efficient at 25!).

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Old 06-17-2008, 06:12 AM   #12
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As 101mpg says : "If they are late, they should have left earlier."

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Old 06-17-2008, 06:38 AM   #13
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I would think those people would drive the same even if it were the highway was clear for 20 miles either way and they had left home an hour early.
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Old 06-17-2008, 06:56 AM   #14
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Those people DO drive the same if they are early and the road is clear. Actually - they will drive FASTER if that's the case.

Calling law enforcement around here is fairly pointless. The problem is that there is about nowhere for the cops to stay - it's all private houses. It changes from the county to the city at the top of the hill, you go ALL the way down the hill (and can do 60 if you have no regard for children, animals, etc. stepping out in front of you) until you turn yet another corner where everyone slows down because of the school & church there, where the cops sit.

Have seen turtles over 2 feet long run over by SUVs because no one slows down. They are just wasteful. WV is the fattest state in the union, people here buy into EVERYTHING. You don't find cars over 10 years old because they run them to death and then crush them. A relaative of my wife said about recycling, "If we run out of landfill, we'll go find another holler and fill it up - there's plenty of empty room."

Stupid mindset, people here think that everyone else is the problem. Diesel vehicles are never turned off, people HAVE to have a $50,000 truck even if it means going broke, just so they look good to other people.

Maybe one of these days things like the Chevy Volt become commonplace and people will compete to see how big their FE numbers are, but it's not likely here. You know what they say....the bigger the truck, the smaller the guy's....well, you get the idea.

And since the men around here set the example for the women - pretty much everyone drives like idiots.
Looking to trade for an early 1988 Honda CRX HF (Pillar mounted seat belts)
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Old 06-17-2008, 07:31 AM   #15
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Yep, I have noticed it as well. Ever since the price started its little run up last month. I feel awful now, as when I drove 10 -15 mph over the speed limit, I always had a train of cars behind me as well. Now I feel kinda like I am keeping them safer (and saving them money) as well.

Now, the funny thing is even knocking it down to 65 mph on a 70 mph interstate, I still pass folks every now and then!
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Old 06-17-2008, 08:27 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by 101mpg View Post
Calling law enforcement around here is fairly pointless.
Ah, I figured as much. I usually think the same thing, but I got the idea when I saw the bit about the woman who called the cops about you going too slow. I figured if it works that way, maybe it'd work in the other direction too. I think usually the residents (and not just one but a few) have to complain before anything happens.
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Old 06-17-2008, 07:24 PM   #17
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This morning on the way to work I started a long coast to a stop sign when I noticed an SUV behind me. I thought great this ******* is going to be on my bumper honking in about 2 seconds. To my surprise he seemed to be doing the same thing. I have also noticed that I am not the only one slowing down.
I used to curse when I got stuck behind you guys on a two lane blacktop. If you can't beat em?

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Old 06-17-2008, 08:35 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by 101mpg View Post
Those people DO drive the same if they are early and the road is clear. Actually - they will drive FASTER if that's the case.

Calling law enforcement around here is fairly pointless. The problem is that there is about nowhere for the cops to stay - it's all private houses. It changes from the county to the city at the top of the hill, you go ALL the way down the hill (and can do 60 if you have no regard for children, animals, etc. stepping out in front of you) until you turn yet another corner where everyone slows down because of the school & church there, where the cops sit.

Have seen turtles over 2 feet long run over by SUVs because no one slows down. They are just wasteful. WV is the fattest state in the union, people here buy into EVERYTHING. You don't find cars over 10 years old because they run them to death and then crush them. A relaative of my wife said about recycling, "If we run out of landfill, we'll go find another holler and fill it up - there's plenty of empty room."

Stupid mindset, people here think that everyone else is the problem. Diesel vehicles are never turned off, people HAVE to have a $50,000 truck even if it means going broke, just so they look good to other people.

Maybe one of these days things like the Chevy Volt become commonplace and people will compete to see how big their FE numbers are, but it's not likely here. You know what they say....the bigger the truck, the smaller the guy's....well, you get the idea.

And since the men around here set the example for the women - pretty much everyone drives like idiots.
hmm kinda sound slike what i saw today, started noticeing every car truck landbarge from texas was going 80 in 75 and riding peoples butts in thier v8 /diesel trucks... i saw on emaybe 2 civics or so and about 30 huge suv's with u guessed it 2 adults and one kid....

i hate those people who try to keep up with the jonses so to speak...try to one up thier neighbors with cars, tv's, landscape, etc...
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:41 PM   #19
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I have noticed that some people are starting to follow behind me, but there are still plenty of people out there with no regard for the speed limit or how much gas they're using up. When I am driving in city conditions, I shift into 5th as quickly as possible - usually around 30. I put the cruise control on at that point. It's just so funny though. Everyone feels they need to play speed racer at the traffic lights, but in my gas saving coasts, I always end up passing the same person who just flew by me at the next light.

On the Interstate I go anywhere from 50 - 60. Occasionally I will go 65 if I am able to catch a slight draft off a large truck or suburban.

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Old 06-18-2008, 05:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Three6Eight View Post
Now I'm starting to notice I'm the guy that gets the ball rolling and instead of going around me people are starting to just follow me.
That's because your on a two-way highway...

No, seriously, I have noticed the same thing at times but for the most part, maybe it's because the jackasses here are real loose on their money, they whip around me like I'm butta.. Like they HAVE to get to that red light faster then me...

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