all attempts I've read on here were dismal failures. they've tried cutting fuel, spark, disconnecting rocker arms, etc etc. the engine's just not meant to run on half it's cylinders. GM offers it on the new 3.9 v6 too as well as dodge and ford on many of the V6 and 8 engines. The imports get better mileage without killing half the engine at a time :-p. part of why it works for them is that the deactivated cylinders alternate which cylinders are active and space them so the overall cycle is still even. I'm guessing GMs system grew out of the overheating limp mode that cut fuel to a few cylinders at a time (again, alternating) over 250f in some models starting in the early 2000s
1991 Toyota Pickup 22R-E 2.4 I4/5 speed
1990 Toyota Cressida 7M-GE 3.0 I6/5-speed manual
mechanic, carpenter, stagehand, rigger, and know-it-all smartass
"You don't get to judge me for how I fix what you break"