Well, I just started a new job. I will be sending metal samples out to companies interested in some of the products we make. The company/ job seems great. You can check out their web site at:
The only problem is I have a 20 mile commute that goes at a snail pace. It takes me about 40-50 minutes (or more) to get to work. Anyone have any tips for multi-light delays? I know killing the engine would help, but there would just be too many start stop cycles. I guess just keeping a reasonable buffer of the car in front of me would help (unfortunately when I leave a buffer people just jump in front causing me to just go slower).
I am planning on possibly getting an apartment soon. There are plenty of housing options in the under 5mile range. It would be even better if I can find one in the under 1 mile range so I can walk.
2008 EPA adjusted:
Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)