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Old 10-10-2007, 09:16 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by cfg83 View Post
The booster dude reinterprets that data. Can you read this and comment on his reinterpretation?
Sure, diesel engine != gas engine. Worth a shot on a diesel, and don't spare the throttle (though you can probably spare the rpm, dunno). He sure wines about his entire system not being tested enough. Just test the damn thing already, in an organized manner.

The site targets gas cars though since they are a much larger audience:
"6. How much mileage increase can I expect with Hydrogen Boost?
A. To get a comprehensive answer, please read our November 2001 newsletter at bla bla bla but to give you an idea of our experience, we have consistently achieved 50% increase in highway mileage and over 100% increase in city mileage when we applied all the components of the system including driving tips."

Folks here get better than 50%/100% on driving tips alone. (i.e. pulse and glide and a stick shift). Increased tire pressure is part of the "system" too, LOL. More potatoes and carrots for the button soup.

you read the nov 1 newsletter and it is categorically inconclusive. He identifies all the dependencies he thinks exists then goes off and does a miniscule amount of random driving. There are way too many variables between tests and chaotic "testing" procedures. It is no way to make a solid case for a particular system. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as evidence of anything regarding hydrogen and gas powered vehicles.

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Old 10-11-2007, 03:51 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by skewbe View Post
we have consistently achieved 50% increase in highway mileage
The best test and what really matters.

systems I know of:

Lapointe...doesn't involve H generator

What are typical mileage gains with Fog devices?

A typical gain for the Warmer is 3-8 additional MPG. Often more. A typical gain for the Squirter-Inducer is about the same. For a minimum with both devices, you should see at least a six MPG improvement. We have seen 20 MPG gained. This is about a 30 to 70% gain.

Hydrogen Boost


www.PowreHaus.com...involves grooves...lynz...valves...porting...sensor tweaking?


focus on the Escort...no H generator....50% gain? Have also read claims of 30% gains from acetone and top lubes and so forth.

Not sure what's up with the continual "denial" posts on this forum about how this and that won't work...but the technology and "systems" are improving as time goes by. Espec promising might be a combo of grooves...lynz...etc and some components of the other systems like an fuel heater...H gen and underdrive pulley.


At any rate I'm continually "testing" various things and expect to buy a vehicle to use to test one of these "systems" eventually.

Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 10-11-2007, 04:21 AM   #63
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I've never seen a single person test any of these systemZ, or lions, or moo cows and come report to us or even keep a gaslog...they must know this site exists, but curiously, no one is excited about opening up a dialogue on the subject.

I wonder whz.
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Old 10-11-2007, 07:38 AM   #64
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Folks here get better than 50%/100% on driving tips alone. (i.e. pulse and glide and a stick shift). Increased tire pressure is part of the "system" too, LOL. More potatoes and carrots for the button soup.
All I would like to see is the following...

Control driving habits and perform the test at steady state. Presumably, the system will stop working when you remove a component - so lets make that component the actual generator (add a switch).

So, start the test at steady state with the generator off.... Then switch it on. Given some time (within minutes), a noticeable change should be seen in FE.

So, perhaps you won't see the full scale effect given modern engine management controls. HOWEVER, if it truly is changing the combustion characteristics - such increase in efficiency should nearly immediatly have an effect. Either the generator +system changes the combustion properties, or it doesn't. And if it does - it can't be picky about when it does (unless this is some sort of quantum engine ).

Not sure what's up with the continual "denial" posts on this forum about how this and that won't work...but the technology and "systems" are improving as time goes by. Espec promising might be a combo of grooves...lynz...etc and some components of the other systems like an fuel heater...H gen and underdrive pulley.
It's not denial -- it's lack of repeatable (and reputable) evidence. The burden of evidence falls onto the shoulders of the one making a claim

Instead of having testing done, the boost guy complains about how other testing is garbage. Independent testing showing the methods used (ABA preferred) with full disclosure (rather than saying "I looked at a spreadsheet" and not providing said spreadsheet). If your product is good, and the claims are accurate - you don't need to spend time trashing other people. The product will sell itself. Backed up with proper testing, you can raise the price

Oh, all that being said -- gaslogs (of multiple installations) would be nice. If we believe one thing, it's the gas log
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:11 PM   #65
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I have no doubts that the HAFC system works. Join the Yahoo group befreetech, he has a list of all cars that they have modified during their weekly training program. I spoke to an independent mechanic about this, he has no reason to lie.

Some people only get 15% increase with this, and it's because they only install the hydrogen kit. EVerything nowadays is so computerized, it's designed to get a target fuel economy. You can't just adjust/replace one thing and expect big gains, which is what people do with these hydrogen boosters (then complain that it doesn't work well). You have to adjust the next thing in line, and then the next thing, and then everything else that's tied to it.
So it's a lot more complicated than people would like, but that's the way it goes.

The science for these boosters is rock solid. The HAFC kit is the only one that incorporates the electronics, the only one that modifies EVERYTHING down the line, and the only one that can make 50%+ claims. Of course being the only ones, it also makes them open to a lot of flak (as evident from this thread).

What you pay for is the research for sure. I've spent a lot of time researching the internal combustion engine, and the generating of hydrogen. It's been on ongoing for probably 2 months now, let alone the Stan Meyer system. The 1000 dollar price tag is well worth it for what you get. I don't mind doing the research and construction because I enjoy researching, and I plan to tie it into college at a later point. If I didn't enjoy or want to research, I'd buy it!
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Old 03-24-2008, 01:34 PM   #66
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So, has anyone installed it yet? After all, it's been several months.
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Old 03-24-2008, 01:55 PM   #67
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Right now I'm conditioning my "HAFC" kit cell. 1.4 LPM at 25 amp 12.2 volts. The more I let it run. The more I have to dilute the lye in it and more it puts out.
The "O2PTOMIZER" has the custom tuning up dates in the instructions for my F150.
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Old 09-15-2008, 06:58 AM   #68
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I don't really want to resurrect this since we just banned a bunch of HAFC talk, but maxc, what were your results.

More importantly, phantomcow2, how did you make out and what exactly did you do?

Your PDF link no longer works. I remember seeing one similar last year and just got some different plans. I really am curious about using a resonating frequency and one even pulses with AC and I think I could experiment for $100-200 or so using all the electronics from my other projects.

There are more and more youtubes with tons of bubbles, but no measurement of output versus the wattage input, the amps and voltage seems low but I just imagine they're not really producing all that much.

I really hate to experiment myself though since so many people have mentioned trying themselves and with such enthusiasm. Update please?
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:43 PM   #69
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My engine burns oil! It's been burning oil for the past 60k miles. At about 30k miles it started blowing black smoke out the tail pipe big time!!. A day or so later 1 injector quit. .Clylinder wash! Crap in the ECM!! The fuel trim on the right side is still little off. I need a new EGR tube so I still don't have enough ignition timing. So when the fuel starts being trimmed back the exhaust starts cooling down too much because of the oil and lower compression. O2's slow down! Check on mpg-research for short mile check don't remember?
Back in January I let the truck sat for 3 days. It would barely start. Smoked big time when started.
I haven't worked for 10 months. Don't have the money to fix everything. Maybe hotter plugs will help?
I have other projects i'm working on that are more important and the hafc cell will be used in accurate fuel mileage test on a carbed vehicle.
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Old 08-20-2009, 04:53 AM   #70
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It's been about a year now.....any updates on the HAFC and Look-A-Likes yet?

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