Got a dilemma with tires
Hey guys,
I'm still in the market for new tires and I'm stuck between two choices here:
1) There is a local tire shop here that sells a set of 175/70/13's for $200, mounted and balancing included as well. Also, since I need an alignment, it is only $65 extra. But the thing is, they are 175/70/13's and I was looking to get 165/70/13's, which leads me to the other choice...
2) I found a set of HTR T4's with the size I wanted on TireRack. With shipping cost, it's $215 delivered. With the same tire shop, they will charge $60 to dismount, mount, and balance the tires plus the cost to align. Which will lead me to spend in excess of $300.
What do you guys think? Is it okay to choose 1 or 2? Thanks for your input.