Krous, you arent far from here. We can drive out to the meet together...
Maybe get some drafting going.
That way if I break down I won't be stuck alone on a Martin Luther king Dr. somewhere in the US. Where addicts would end up stealing my aero mods.
Make a poll for where to meet once you get an idea of where everyone is located.
Order some golf shoes, otherwise we might never make it out of this place alive.
we could even arrange it so the guys who can coast the farthest will be in front, and as we go back we get worse and worse coasters, so we can all do a EOC, kinda spread the convoy out, then turn on, accelerate back into position up to a set speed, and repeat!
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.