Originally Posted by DaX
Originally Posted by Compaq888
Damn dirty politicians. Damn corporations. Damn oil companies.
*sigh* Am I the ONLY conservative on here? 
Um... blink. blink. :? I don't think I understand the question.
BTW, I heard an interesting quip in a long but very good <a href="http://www.energybulletin.net/15440.html">presentation</a> by Rep Roscoe Bartlett: "I’m a conservative but I try not to be an idiot."
He also said (and I'm not on a political soapbox here) regarding the prospect of peak oil: "In an aggressive program, first is conservation." [The overall approach must be likened to] "World War II’s effort (victory gardens), along with the effort to put a man on the moon, and the Manhattan Project… the worst case is World War III. We face a hard landing, the 1930s will look good. Or it could be The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."