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Old 06-03-2011, 09:33 PM   #1
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Fitch Fuel Catalyst

Alright, I admit... I bought into this product. I'm currently testing it out.

I scoured the internet for several days trying to find anything on the web that disproves this unit's effectiveness, yet I came up empty-handed. This is a product that has been out for about 10 years, I believe ... with no negative comments anywhere I could find.

(No, I'm not selling it, nor profit from it.)

So, I decided to foot the bill and order one. I installed it today and will be testing it. They say it needs a 500 mile (sometimes 1,000 mile) break-in period. I'll be going on a 1,000+ mile trip next week, so we'll see how it works out.

I haven't kept up with my gas mileage on here in while... but I typically average 30mpg highway for this trip, regardless of car weight. City gas mileage my long-term average is around 17 mpg.

Since installing this, there haven't really been many immediate results. I wasn't really expecting anything immediately though. What I did notice, is after completing the installation instructions, my car started much quicker (about half the time, it seems... it took less than a second (about) to crank and start before installation). I also noticed that my engine idle is smoother. I had an issue where my engine "stumbled" (the best I can describe it) ... mechanic checked over everything and didn't find anything wrong. At idle, you could hear the engine "stumble" sporadically, and at stop lights you could feel it in the brake pedal (from the engine moving). This has gone away since installing it. There might be a little more power too, but that is probably in my head.

I won't have any gas mileage numbers until next week (Wednesday 6/8/2011, when I start my trip). The FAQ state that the first 500 miles, your gas mileage may actually decrease due to carbon burn-off, etc... but after that break-in period is over, the full effects of the device should be noticeable. It also comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

I didn't see much/any talk about this device on the forum... so that's why I'm posting it.

Oh... this was installed in my '93 Buick Century 3.3L V6, and it was the inline Fitch catalyst model (not the drop-in-tank kind).

I'm not posting to get any flames about it... If you haven't tried it, then don't talk negative about it (because you can't without first-hand experience). Yes, items such as these are often scams... but this is the first that I've seen with seemingly credible testing, it is apparently certified by the EPA and CARB, and I read somewhere that the US government actually uses it in some of its military gas-hogs. Plus, John Fitch created the device (famous race car driver and engineer/inventor).

So, has anyone else tried this device? I'll post up my results as soon as I can.

(sorry if this post was somewhat randomly written, I'm tired).


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Old 06-04-2011, 04:52 AM   #2
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

As always with these things, I am very skeptical. Scouring the internet and merely failing to find something to disprove it is a pretty thin premise for spending money on it, IMO.

The EPA and CARB don't certify fuel saving devices. At best, they may have tested it in a scam-busting effort and said it does not harm anything. CARB may have tested and approved it for not contributing to increased pollution.

Can you cite the reference for the government usage of it? I know the military does experiment with such things sometimes, but if they're using it in a production capacity that would certainly be interesting.

Do you have a gaslog? You don't have one here, but if you have one somewhere else it would be better than nothing. When you find something that works for you, that's great for you, but the first step in helping others with something like this is providing detailed, long-term before and after data.

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Old 06-04-2011, 11:13 AM   #3
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

Next winter I think you should test putting your tongue on a flag pole.
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Old 06-04-2011, 04:54 PM   #4
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

wait a moment guys, let's give it a chance. he says he's gonna test it and post where does he make a claim or endorsement.

i'd like to see an added test...assuming it yields no gain, i'd like to see a test and posted results of the money back guarantee! what say you?
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:20 PM   #5
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

Yeah I agree with Bowtie Guy.
The OP was just saying what he has done to date and openly states he is NOT endorsing the item.

I am sceptical too but I am willing to see what comes from this.

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Old 06-04-2011, 10:43 PM   #6
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

All good replies, except the rude flag pole post.

I used to have a fuel log on here, I thought, but it hasn't been updated in a while. I calculate my gas mileage with nearly every tank, and have owned and driven this vehicle as my primary Daily Driver for 8(?) years now. Take it on multiple 1,000 mile trips every year (500 miles in one day)... from Houghton, MI to Lansing, MI. So I know the vehicle and what it should get.

I won't be filling up again until Wednesday this week, which is the day of my trip from Houghton to Lansing. I'll try to post those results by Saturday (we'll see)... then my drive back up will be around 6/18, and I'll be sure to post everything I have. (I'll actually be going to the SAE International Supermileage Competition in Marshall, MI for a few days while down there as well)

I've since closed all the windows I had open researching the device... so I don't have any specific links right now (I'm sure that sounds sketchy... but its the truth).

...and I installed the device on a 3/4-full tank, so this tank's calculation won't be counted.

I'll keep you posted.

Also... I have prior posts from over the years... its not like I'm a new member posting about this. I understand being skeptical. I am as well, but I decided to experiment with this after not finding anything negative about it, and the multiple dyno test results showing its effectiveness. So, keep the rude comments to yourself and stop being "internet bullies". sheesh. I'm not saying "Hey, go buy this!" or anything like that. I'm not recommending you buy one either. I just got one to test it out and share my results.

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Old 06-05-2011, 04:40 AM   #7
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

The issue is that, to effectively convince skeptics as you seem to want to do, you need to provide more than what it takes to convince yourself. Just like that 8th grade math teacher, skeptics want to see the work.

I'm still interested to see the results, but without enough believable data to satisfy me I probably would see it as inconclusive.
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Old 06-05-2011, 06:00 AM   #8
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

I think it is a great idea to test it.

The most convincing test would be a "blind test" in which a third party either connects or disconnects the device for a few tanks of A-B-A testing each (some with it "on" and some with it deactivated) and doesn't tell you whether it was on or off until you show your tank by tank mpg data to them.
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:19 PM   #9
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

As long as I'm so "rude" anyway, I have nothing to lose by saying your researching skills suck. Took very little time for me to find:

... and the only reason I provide these links now is for everyone else's benefit, as these have been linked here before several times- I remember them- and anyone who has been following this stuff for- oh, 3 years or more- should have seen it by now... hence the flagpole analogy... get it now?

Have fun out there. May your testing always be accurate.
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Old 06-06-2011, 09:11 AM   #10
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Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

Originally Posted by theclencher View Post
As long as I'm so "rude" anyway, I have nothing to lose by saying your researching skills suck.
Unfortunately, it appears you are the one with researching skills that "suck", sir.

^The only information on these is a test an Australian motoring organization did, in which it appears they did not allow for proper break-in time/procedures.
Edit: this link appears to explain why their test did not work. They failed to clear the car's computer first. And who knows if they allowed the 500mile break-in period as well. But, the link must be taken with a grain of salt, as I have no proof to whether it is credible:

^These provide nothing to debunk the fitch fuel catalyst. Chicagoathome mentions it, but it is NOT included in the list of items that were proven not to work.
It is not even mentioned on the PopularMechanics link!

^These are simply forums with more people like yourself, who are talking crap about the product, even though they have no personal experience with it. There are people who chimed in and say they've tried it and it works for them, though.

Find another thread to be rude on. I'm all for constructive criticism and people proving me wrong... but if you don't have first-hand experience with the product, you have no basis for saying anything negative about it.

In general, fuel-saving products are scams. I agree with that. This one offers a 90-day money-back guarantee, and lacks negative feedback from anyone who has tried the device and had it not work. So, that is why I am trying it out. If it doesn't work in 90 days, I'll get my money back.


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