Feed your Fuel a Combustion Enhancer for "FREE" forever - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-24-2013, 10:48 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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Country: United States
Feed your Fuel a Combustion Enhancer for "FREE" forever

After thinking about my delima, how do I protect myself and help all the members who seek, honest help, with saving fuel costs?

Members and Moderator,
Let's start from the beginning, I retired, from a 30 year career in Semiconductor Technology and my wife, bless her, told me to just enjoy my Hobby 160 acre ranch, atvs and life. Well, I tried and found myself bored to death. So, a friend of mine told me the "Rip Off" that the oil to fuel companies were pulling off with the State and US Government, getting "Pay Off Taxes" to look the other way, that on Average only 50% combustion power potential was being realized by each $1 of fuel we Americans purchase. You can see this as we pay double but do not know it, a type of "Shell Game", or to travel a certain distance, we need twice as much fuel, because of the "OEM" building vehicle engines designed and ECU programmed to run off the fuels designed to combust 50%.
See, Members and Moderator, to set up an ICE, you must calibrate the Air/Fuel Ratio, the MAPs and the ECU, with the measured at the factory compression and resulting combustion. The point is the "OEM" know what the fuel's lack of combustion characteristic are and program accordingly. So, the "OEM" the fuel refinery companies, the US Government and the State Governments, they all know the rip off but they are all paid well, by our money, to "Shut Up About it". I on the other hand, a Level 4, Field Service Engineer and Garage Scientist, well, I found out and proved it. So, what do I do, with all things in business, fair play to make this "Rip Off" even, for all my fellow consumers, I reach out to the Internet, I discover the "Catalyst Reactor Processor for Refinery" figure out the formulas, discover the unique additional chemicals used after Reactor seperation and they add just enough of this chemical and that chemical to make the combustion 50% but keep the "Stoichiometric" 14.5-14.7 ratio correct for Emission Control correct. Here is the meaning for those of you who might know about this principal. stoi·chi·om·e·try (stoi k - m -tr ). n. 1. Calculation of the quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction so that maximum pollution is processed in a Catalytic Converter. The "OEM" and "Government" cop out is we have to clean the production of Toxins, from the resulting burning of fuel in Vehicles before being concern with Fuel Efficiency.

Ok, so now, the "Secret is Out", they hide behind "Saving Us from Air Pollution" to rob us by keeping fuel combustion conversion to kinetic energy low, stating that in order to keep the Stoichiometric Ratio correct for Catalyst Converter proper processing of Toxins, we have no choice but to allow combustion at 50%.

Well, this is just "BS", members this is all "Rocket Science", the "Fuel Companies" saw a way to double the price of fuel, without actually posting it at the refulling stations, just burn only 50% in the engines, Oh, if the "OEM" will keep their mouth shut and the US Government could be paid off. Now, you know where the "Men in Black" come from, if you upset the "Conversion of Toxins" being "Processed through their Catalyst Converters" then you are shut down or like "Steve Myers" who built a type of Reactor to run engines on "H2O" but by product of large NOx, they will shut you down or even make you dissappear. I hope I did not just upset, any monitoring "Men in Black" who are monitoring this forum?

See, when, we, the equalizers, the guys, who develop solutions, chemically, electro-chemically, lubrications and through Catalysts, we have to always besure first we cut Emissions first and then approach saving fuel costs. That is why, the selective catalyst device, which Jeffery A. Stephenson created in PCT/US2006/033584, that we manufacture decrease in Emissions caused by "Blow By Out Gasing" first and ignore that anyone capable of reading the US Patent, completely, will learn that Jeffery A Stephenson, intended to process and improve the combustion characteristic of the incoming fuel, as well. Please, I am making a point, as to why spend the time reading the patent because it identifies how to enrich fuel without Fuel Additives, without increasing fuel refinery costs and most important, without increasing Emission Toxins. However, will it make the fuel efficiency double, no it will not.

Members, for three years, I have been discovering, what combination of elements, devices, lubricates, software, calibration techniques and Catalyst, injection and processing, work together to create the "Clean Air Fuel Efficiency Group of Products" to get up to Double Fuel Efficiency while also getting as near to Zero Pollution as possible. Except for the effects of Turbos, which is the next research step and the use of Vin # specific Source Code for calibration of the Parameters for each unique ECU, I have the best combination and which is most economical.

Sure, if money was no object, then I would just already have a Million Dollar Laboratory equipped with a Eddy Current Dyno, Advance software, unlimited Chemicals, unlimited engines on individual dyno blocks and unlimited catalyst minerals and materials, to develop the "True Paradigm" shift for Automotive History. I can do exactly this, if any of you, have the $500,000 to set me up, in 1 year, I would have the
$1,000,000,000 dollar prototype four seat sedan to qualify for the US Department of Energy's Award for the first US Assembly Plant, building a true only gasoline, 100MPG (110MPG Averaging) vehicle to sell 60,000 units. I continuously state this because Automotive History, that is what my motivation is, not money, not becoming another "Henry Ford" but to help, with fellow "Garage Scientist", to produce and accomplish the 60,000 units, to create the "Paradigm Shift" in automotive history. I could care less about the money, I want to work on a Team of Dedicated Men and or Women, to produce the first Zero Pollution Internal Combustion Gasoline Engine Vehicle to get 100MPG and product 60,000 units, sell them to the American Consumer and win the Nobel Prize, with the Team, for Emission Reduction Technology, to help the Global World we, all exist in, as "Human Beings" and the only thing stopping me, right now today, is an super rich investor, to set up the opportunity for my Select Group of Team Members to accomplish the vehicle. I can be in production in 6 months and first vehicle rolling our of the plant in 1 year. How, the engine is already built, the platform chassis is already built, yes in a foriegn country but it must be shipped to the US, in parts and we re assemble it, then add the CAFE Group of Products, get the vehicle up to 110MPG and start the massive release. At $20,000, how many vehicles with Life Time Limit Power Train Warranty, Zero Pollution and 110MPG, would this Assembly Plant sell? Answer more than it could ever produce, for as long as we produce them.

So, over night, I decided to go the disclosure route, through my Legal Counsel, to have those of you, who want to learn how to purchase the chemicals yourself and mix them yourself, as individuals, to test the formula yourselves. I was, at one time, going to travel to various shows and sell the formula, for a fair price but it came to me, US Patented Devices, for me to market and I decided, with advice of legal counsel, with the signing of an individual, to his created legal document, then I could give the formula, the ratio and the sources of the chemicals, to anyone, they could produce the formula and pour it in their vehicles, forever.

Someone great once said

"Teach a Man to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life"

If any member, wants to "Feed" his fuel with a known three year chemical formula for their own personal benefit, write to Marksman954@aol.com, I will send you to Michael@ncraz.com, who will forward the formula legal agreement document, you must sign it, notarize your signature, no signed document not notarized will be accepted. Then I will send you the referrals of previous testing people, their phone numbers, after your due diligence, if you still want the formula, then you will put in writing a request, that you have researched the formula, called testers and you on your own adult choice is requesting the means to mix and make the formula for your own use, only.

Why all of this legal stuff, I visited the Arizona Attorney's General office and asked them how best to give away the formula and not find myself in court on the wrong side of a judgement. They said, follow the procedure stated above, exactly and in court, it will be shown, you charged no money, they signed the legal document they requested and signed, notarized signatured, they mixed the formula, they had the ability to call previous testers and they, as knowing adult people, prepared, created and poured the chemical formula into their own fuel. No judge in the USA, will prove that you did cause the individual to do anything they themselves caused by themselves and agained to waive their right to bring lawsuit and they have only themselves to blame. I am a legal "Eagle", we live in a Crazy Legal World, if you or any members, want to discover an honest increase of fuel efficiency chemical formula, which you will determine for yourself, whether you continue to make it for yourself or not, based on your own testing, then follow this legal path and I, Mark Gordon Cooper, will "Teach You to Fish and enable you to Feed your Fuel Forever",

Happy Holidays and to come a Merry Christmas

CEO and CSO of Y-Not Innovations Enterprise, LLC

People speak of things the way they are and ask "Why"
I dream of things, that have never been and ask "Y-Not" JFK
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