I chose the first choice: Take the Average of 4 team members -- the Team Captain chooses whose data to drop for the month. (except I think the vehicle that didn't make the 3 gallon fill should be dropped, not the TC choosing).
Edit: 42 days
?? That's like 6 weeks to use 3 gallons (I go through more than that in juice boxes in studio class)! If people are hung up on this whole thing, I'd say split it and do 35 days. But that's my thought. I'm not going to cry if it's 42 days, 49, or 56. Honestly, I think the 3 gallon rule makes sense. If someone can't fill more than 3 gallons within that time, there's always next time right (just omit that GS member's info until they do fill)? Someone who is using that little fuel within that time deserves a gold star just for the feat. I'd
absolutely die if I was forced to drive that little.
It appears that we should maybe start a "Do-not-fill-your-tank-for-as-long-as-humanly-possible Challenge" next year
In the end of it all it's the average gaslog numbers that shows its true colours, either sooner or later. And that's fine with me.