even more info! from danman32 from priusonline.com
Although it is true that the Prius ICE is quite often, even short trips should be no different on a Prius than a conventional car. The Prius is designed to come up to temp as soon as possible. Even so, ICE startup in the Prius is much different than a conventional car. In a conventional startup, ICE is revved rather slowly compared to normal idle, and relies on fuel and spark to get it to autonimously run. On the Prius however, the ICE is spun at about 600-1000 RPM before spark and fuel is introduced. This is similar to clutch starting a manual transmission car while it is rolling down the road at 30 MPH. This puts very little wear on the car and the oil. Because of this, I would believe that although short trips would cause more wear on the oil than long trips, it wouldn't be any worse, and probably better, than short trips in a conventional car.

I mean all your doing is using the EV motor to spin the magnetic engine to a certain revolution. Then by itself it should automatically start firing because it has momentum. Just like when bump starting the momentum of the wheels push the engine into motion and that motion ALONE starts the car.No wonder its so much smoother than a RERERRRERERR BROOOOMMMMM!