EOC (engine of coast) tips?
EOC tips
I recently tried to use engine of coasting on a more regular basis after a very depressing previous tank. I (finally) filled up again this morning and the results are impressive. roughly a 10% improvement in FE compared to the average on my last 4 tanks. all this without seriously altering my driving speed (I try not to drop to far below the speed limit or disturb the traffic flow)
I've also made a point of shutting of the engine when stopping at a redlight
I'm still learning this technique which I got from this site so I'm wondering if any "veterans" could give me some advice.
I'd like to draw up some sort of "EOC manual"
I'm also concerned about the downsides to this technique such are engine wear etc... extensive wear to the transmission might eliminate this benefit from an economical point of view
Here are some of my experiences; feedback or advice are welcome:
My car has a 4 speed manual transmission.I found that the 4th gear is the best for "bump" or clutch starts even when my speed is lower than when I'd usually use 4th gear. Also applying NO throttle when releasing the clutch seems to work smoother. Lower gears seem to be bumpy and sometimes results in screeching noises which I think come from the clutch and are not a good sign.
This technique has led me to sometimes UPSHIFT when slowing down, briefly releasing the clutch to start the engine again, en than quickly downshift sometimes even 2 gears.On some occasions this went remarkably smooth and natural,but sometimes things get a little bumpy.
Shutting of the engine however will leave me brieflie without breaklights and direction indicators, as soon as the engine stops I turn the contact back on.
but sometimes i have to leave of just a sec so the engine will not fire again.
on some occasions traffic behind me prevented me from safely turning of the engine. so i'm considdering making one or multiple buttons to start stop the engine, anyone already done this?
Since this is the first real improvement I made in FE since joining this site I'm quite exited so I hope I haven't repeated of combined to many questions in this one post.