Originally Posted by Pete
Yeah , my car has one as well and it is surprisingly accurate...down to 0.01 litre per hundred kms. Pete.
That's resolution, not accuracy. Different concepts.
I have a stopwatch that displays to .001 second, but if let running gains 10 seconds a week. It has a resolution to .001 seconds but is not as accurate as I expected for an electronic time device.
I also have a tall clock that keeps time to within an amazing 2 seconds a month, but ticks each 3 seconds. The 3 second resolution is only 1/3000th that of the stopwatch, but that clock's accuracy is 20 times better.
I personally think a simple + or - to indicate whether present (nearly) instantaneous economy is better or worse than the average since re-set is all that is really needed.
For MPG, the + indicates more miles and better fuel economy.
For liters per 100km the - indicates less fuel and better economy
That way there's no complacency once some level is reached. The better the "instant" economy, the higher the average becomes thus constantly moving the goal and forcing better and better technique.
You'll still have to calculate the distance traveled and the fuel consumed yourself, but you should do that anyway to check the accuracy of your onboard display.