At the very least, it includes nice instructions on how to do comparison tests for mpg when conducting experiments.
If this wing does improve highway gas mileage, I wonder if it compromises high speed stability.
goto and do a search for "ram implosion wing"
here is a more comprehensive link to information about this mysterious wing.
excerpt from above url:
"Patterson claims his invention can triple mileage, all other factors remaining the same. His associate, also present, vouched for the claims and shared a few anecdotal stories in private. He said that the vortex went nearly 100 feet in front of the van, and that he could effect a small trailer on a car in front of him by steering left and right. He also said that when he passed a semi truck that the normal grabbing of the vehicle in the semi's wake was absent.
"Patterson described unusual phenomenon he as observed while driving a vehicle thus fitted. 'We watched flies on the hood stay in place until we were traveling over 60 mph. Streamers on the surface of the vehicle stand perpendicular, rather than parallel to the vehicle.'"