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Old 01-20-2008, 03:02 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SD26 View Post
If there were just "more diesels", the supply side might reduce the prices. I'd love to see that. If I could drive a four door F250 with mileage close to my Taurus, I'd be all over it. But the cost of admission, even used, is high.

The one good thing about the investment in the diesel is the resale. They do sell for so much money that it's almost ridiculous.

I know that for me, to reconsider a gas engine, I'd have to have diesel at 50% more expensive than gasoline. Only for the fuel side. I've had less issues with this engine than I've had with other gas motors.

Now, shuttle buses can be had pretty reasonably too. That was perfect for my application.

What are you driving now? You're an expediter or something along that line?
Dave im a line haul driver. Basically I drive the same route 3 days a wk. Tues and thurs is 250miles Round trip each day and my Sat run is 468miles. I use a Mini-van. But could do it in anything Full Size Van, Sprinter or other means. Because im a independent contractor, I pay for the vehicle, repairs and fuel costs. So at the end of the wk, I have to take my fuel cost out.

A bigger vehicle gives me more room for family when not working. But the bigger you get the worst the mileage is. The sprinter is a option but again fuel cost come into play. If Diesel was close to the same as gas it would be a no Brainer. Diesel.. But now you get the higher tech diesel engine and higher maintance cost in a few yr. This really scares me. This above job for me is part time, my regular job is fixing cars. These modern Diesel from a repair standpoint really scare the living hell out of me. I've had a couple 6.0 and 6.6 here at work and they are expensive and time consuming to fix. A 7.3 PS is cake to work on compared to the Dura-max or the 6.0 PS and then throw in DPF emissions crap and 100,000 miles + in 2 yr is a costly thing to swallow if issues arise.

The other vehicle I've looked at is the new 4.5 LD diesel coming out in the chevy PU. 2wd with a Cap if the thing could get Low 30mpg I would consider this also. But would have to consider trading out early to avoid high mileage non warrenty repairs. I dont like being the test person for new tech. Now if they would warrenty these thing like Chrysler is on there gas stuff. I would be more than happy to sign on the dotted line.

Im sorry for getting off topic


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Old 01-20-2008, 03:20 PM   #12
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Thank you, I understand now.

A good friend of mine is a motorsports photographer, and he "upgraded" from his 300/6 Ford Van to a Sprinter hasn't lived up to his expectations. Tossed a crank at 40k or so. He had been buying parts vans that had 300k on them when he got them and running them to 500k. It's a large package, but I don't think he's terribly happy right now.

I'd like to upgrade the bus as it is, but, yeah, the newer stuff scares me. I've got a '96 7.3. Very low tech, but if I could press fluid out of garbage, I could probably run the engine on it. LOL!

Now, what's this about a 4.5l diesel?

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Old 01-20-2008, 04:01 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by SD26 View Post
Thank you, I understand now.

A good friend of mine is a motorsports photographer, and he "upgraded" from his 300/6 Ford Van to a Sprinter hasn't lived up to his expectations. Tossed a crank at 40k or so. He had been buying parts vans that had 300k on them when he got them and running them to 500k. It's a large package, but I don't think he's terribly happy right now.

I'd like to upgrade the bus as it is, but, yeah, the newer stuff scares me. I've got a '96 7.3. Very low tech, but if I could press fluid out of garbage, I could probably run the engine on it. LOL!

Now, what's this about a 4.5l diesel?
Thats all I here about the Sprinters. Hit or miss and when it misses its by a bunch. I know everyone has there issues, but the stuff I've seen is major issues not just nagging little things. And then being out of warrenty after possiblity of less then 2 yr. Doesnt sit well with me. I guess I'll see what stuff comes out later this yr when my current ride is set to be replaced.

As for the new 4.5 duramax. Here's just one article I found But again 25% percent increase of fuel mileage on a gas truck getting 21 is 5.2 mpg better. Is a wash on cost ratio with fuel prices.


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