Nothing crazy about it at all. Look at my mileage. I actually drive through a whole tank of fuel without ever exceeding 2500 RPM.
The VX was designed to run at 30 MPH in 5th gear at 1000 RPM with the AC running. That spells efficiency and it does not hurt your engine.
It is the exact opposite of the driving technique you have learned in your higher revving cars, and it is the way you get great mileage.
I have owned over 200 cars, and i understasnd your concerns, but they are based on old beliefs. You have plenty of oil pressure at lower engine speeds and you engines life expectancy is actually greater when you keep the revs low.
I generally shift before the indicator light comes on, only changing my tactic when I need to avoid being the slow poke that causes other drivers to act stupid.
Next time you travel an interstate, stay in the right lane and follow a big rig with 130 feet between you and the truck. You have time to swerve right to avoid any situation, and you should be able to get close to 60 MPG. It may be completely opposite from the way you are used to driving, but for me the old ways had been refined for over 40 years and something different was actually refreshing.
Think 304 miles on 4.627 gallons of fuel, which was my best tank ever, and I averaged 64 MPH, on less that 1 gallon per hour of fuel.
