I appreciate your kind words.. Thank you.
Our physical health is actually pretty good for our ages right now but several emergency surgeries that somehow ended up not being covered by insurance have left us in poor financial health.. A tip, read your insurance policies carefully and with an extremely cynical eye. In one case whether or not a surgery was covered was determined by a single "and" in a long and complex document.
I'm well aware that we have a lot of company here in the poor house, just about everyone I know is struggling right now.
In the short term I foresee worse times, probably medium term too.. The long term has so many imponderable variables that it really is impossible to make even a SWAG about what might happen.
94 Altima 5 spd.. Stock.. 29 mpg combined with basic hypermiling techniques ..
89 Yamaha FZR400 Crotch rocket, semi naked with only the bikini fairing, no lowers, 60 plus mpg
87 Ranger 2.3 5spd.. Does not currently run..