Well I thought I might as well toss up some pics of what my CRX is looking like these days. Let me just say that its a little messy, time has been short lately, thank god for cellular internet and a laptop. =)
Engine bay from the drivers side:
Engine bay from passenger side:
Engine bay from the front (note the giant radiator... such a waste):
The stock d15z1 drivers side mount isn't a perfect fit, I think I'm going to see if a stock d16a6 or such mount will work in its place, but this will do for now:
This is a view of the inside... yea... like that rats nest of a wiring harness over there? I am still working on the last code or 2. Note the full tank of gas:
Since the car doesn't weigh much... there is a bit of wheel gap, even with stock suspenion... oh and I wasn't the one that painted those calipers:
Can we say "ground clearance"?:
On my first test, I worked out 62mpg, but this isn't super accurate, as there weren't many miles to base this off (210 I think). I'm gunna be driving it to work this week, so maybe by sunday I'll have an update on the mileage. Thanks for looking!