Today, on the way home from work, I started seeing some semi-gimmicky "Make $10/hr" coroplast signs. Of course, now when I see that sort of thing I think "ooh, aero mod material".
The first one was on
public resevoir land, very illegally placed, and I have no qualms about taking it. In fact, I would take it even if I didn't want it, just to take ugly litter away from such a beautiful place. I will take that one tomorrow for sure.
I would also not hesitate to take any that had pyramid schemes or scams advertised; I'd take those from pretty much anywhere. As well, I'd take any posted to telephone poles or blocking traffic visibility. I did not see any that match those parameters but I'm just saying it to clarify my values.
Others that I
did see are in spots where I believe they probably weren't placed without consent from the land owner/occupant -- one in front of a store, one on a small nicely landscaped spot between a house and a small business (not sure which side owns that land). On one hand, these are also littering/polluting an otherwise pleasant drive, but on the other hand they may have gotten permission, and I would not want to mess with that. I suspect that they did NOT get permission, and that those signs will be removed by the land owner/occupant very quickly anyway. Should I take them?