Components needed on Vx swap?
Hi to all, new here but fortunally not new to cars. I just purchased a 93 Dx hatchback with a fresh engine, had to drive it back about 280 miles back home and I was impressed with the economy it got with its present state. As mentioned its a Dx all stock. it gave me about 280 miles at little over 1/2 tank, crusing at 70-80 mph, but the needed factor is fuel economy at the highest level possible. From the research I've done all 1.5 engine blocks are the same, the Vx head king of mpg is the ultimate difference, and I just purchased one. These motors are inexpensive to overhaul from what I've seen. Due to the Japanese engines having high nickle content in there cylinders, there is usually little to no wear. As long as a cylinder is not worn more than .0035,or is not oval the it could be re-ringed. Does anyone know where I might be able to find +0.010 pistons for the Vx, All I've seen are +0.020. What else should I be looking for? If anyone is near the Houston and might know of a resonable Vx or Cx transmission, Please drop me a line Thanks!!!