Maximize DFCO.
I let my foot completely off the gas if there is a chance I will not catch the light green. In some cases that timing begins over half a mile before I reach the light, comes from driving the same exact route many times.
What you want is the highest speed possible when the traffic is moving away from the light, all else is irrelevant with one exception.
The exception is if you can not manage to keep moving through the intersection at least take the most time practical to reach the intersection. Doing this with DFCO means you use no fuel.
I might downshift from 5th to 1st under certain circumstances, as well as running the AC compressor to increase the deceleration, but only when I know I will not move through the intersection without stopping completely.
I also use the same philosophy at stop signs. You know you have to stop, so time your downshifting and DFCO so when you get to the stop sigh there are no cars in front of you if possible. Same thing applies to right turns on red lights.
AC use while in DFCO is free AC, as long as you do not delay your moving through the intersection, which means you have wasted your inertia.
I have driven through 23 lights in 16 miles with less than 90 seconds of engine idling total. That is the best measurement of you skill.
