Magnetic vortex wormhole generator
This invention relates to a magnetic vortex generator which has the ability to generate negative mass and a negative spring constant which, according to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, is required in order to create a stable wormhole between our space and hyperspace. Two separate, but electrically connected, toroidal coils of differing radii, carry magnetic flux in opposite directions about their common centerline. According to Maxwell's equation, this produces bucking electric fields along said centerline. Because the two solenoids have different radii, the parallel spring constant of both coils is negative. The negative mass together with the negative spring constant produce a real resonant frequency which can distort the spacetime curvature due to the creation of powerful spikes of negative mass. This phenomenon, similar to the common electrical thunderstorm, opens up a wormhole into hyperspace through which low-density hyperspace energy can enter into our dimension. This energy finds many application in new types of power supplies, inertia-less and mass-less spacecraft, vehicles that can travel light-years by moving out of dimension through hyperspace, surgery-less medical tables, cranes for lifting heavy objects, cold-welded crystals for crystal rotors, folding space waveguides, and electromagnetic field propulsion vehicles using highly relativistic fields.
I'd REALLY like to see someone on this forum try this!
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.