Couldn't stand the vibration....and the edges were gone and the wear bars were almost exposed

so, unlike my normal habit of waiting for the rains and the metal to start peeking from the sides of a tire, I replaced the BF's with Michelins.
Got a set of LTX/MS2 and decided to try and improve my MPG by going from the stock 265/70X16 to 265/75X16
drives like a totally different truck!
Gone: JATO acceleration. Gone: Glancing in the mirror, seeing nothing but the Freightligner logo and deciding, "no problem" and smartly pulling away.
Gone: The easy running through the gears to 5th by 30 MPH.
Had to re-learn hiking by butt in and out of the seat.
Now the shifting is more akin to the pattern of a 4-speed and I noticed the tach needle at places it never was before,
now going to 2,500 and 3,000 RPM shift points as it stays in gear longer.
Ran a test.
Set the cruise, so I'd have lots of time to verify the speedometer against the GPS and at 5 mile increments from 25 MPH through 70 MPH, the difference was 2 MPH.

I think I'm safe thinking that the truck now is 2 MPH faster than the speedometer reads. No problem learning to set the cruise differently. I'll learn to live the lie that I really went further than the odometer says.
What I want is to figure my mileage accurately. The numbers still come out the same as before, but I really drove further than the figures I'm using.
Accepting math help.
Reciept from America's Tire
4 LT265/75R16E1 W Michelin LTX M/S2 ORWL ............... $213.00 .... $852.00
4 Free replacement Certificates .................................. $032.00 .... $128.00
4 State Required Environmental Fee ............................ $001.75 .... $007.00
4 Lifetime spin Balancing ............................................ $015.00 .... $060.00
4 Lifetime Rotation and Repairs ................................... $000.00 .... $000.00
4 TPMS Rebuild Kit .................................................. . $007.00 .... $028.00
Sub Total .................................................. ............................. $1,079.00
Arnold and the Democrats .................................................. ........ $0,081.77
Total .................................................. .................................... $1,160.77