Civic HX and Scanguage?
A little background: I'm looking to buy another FE car that will eventually replace my partner's '89 Corolla GT-S. For the time being, having this other car will keep her from driving my VX (and lowering its mileage) as the Corolla is out of town. I'd like the car to be a Metro, but she says no way to that idea. Another VX is also not an option, as she says my car is ugly and slow. I've also been itching to have a Scangauge as I'd really like to know whats going on fuel-wise while I'm driving. I know there's the SuperMid, but I want the plug and play of the Scanguage.
At first glance, the Civic HX seems ideal as they are 1996+ and OBD-II compliant. It would seem like an HX driven (by me) with a Scangauge would come close to the mileage I'm getting now with my VX, as well as reform my VX driving techniques.
So, does anyone here drive an HX with a Scangauge, or know of someone who has had such an experience? I've done a few searches and didn't see anything about this combination. There was a old post on that said that the lean-burn of the HX's VTEC-E would throw off the Scangauage's MPG readings.
Speed kills...your MPG