No use in buying domestic anymore, more and more of them are built in other nations. I prefer buying cars MADE in the US regardless of the brand. Given a choice between some domestic senior exec making the money on a car built overseas or some foreign senior exec making money on a car built in the US, I'd rather see the US factory worker get the cash.
Main problem with this country is the attitude of the bottom dollar and pleasing the shareholder. Too many companies now have the idea that pleasing the shareholder is their ONLY job. It's getting to be where you can't even pay for a quality item anymore, you can only pay more for the same piece of crap they sell at the 99 cent store. US companies need to go back to the attitude of making a decent, hard wearing, long lasting product, and giving the shareholders less of a return. This way we can buy decent products and the shareholder can still make money, just not quite as much.