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Old 09-17-2007, 09:26 PM   #11
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That's some great mileage for that old vx you've got there and considering the break work just done to it. My vx never got that kind of mileage, but then again I was never ever easy on it. My highway cruising, to stay with traffic, was generally around 75 mph, and I remember visiting red-line in that car all of the time, but yet it still got over 40 mpg for me.

When I get back to the states, I'll actually start to care about my driving style, and the mileage should go up a lot hopefully.

Goodluck with the repair work on the car. The headlight problem could be a fuse in the fuse-box. I believe there is a high and low circuit, but I'm not 100% sure. The stalks off the steering wheel are notorious for going bad on Honda's with a lot of miles on them (in fact I once test drove a 94 civic that every time you hit the bump with, the wipers would go on...haha). Luckily, they are quite easy to replace.


On the never-ending quest for better gas mileage...
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Old 09-19-2007, 08:35 PM   #12
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on this tank I will be doing one EOC per trip once the engine is warmed up because since my car has a funky idle issue it won't drop down to 1000RPM when it's warmed up until I've shut the engine off and started the car again--then it will drop all the way, otherwise it will idle at 1400 when in neutral going down hills etc.

three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

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Old 09-26-2007, 07:17 PM   #13
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Uhh... I don't think the tank before this one was filled up entirely either! What is going on!! Very frustrating. 9.662 gallons of gas this tank. Only 54.34mpg which is totally inconsistent with the last two tanks and below old EPA mpg for highway, despite the lack of 75-80mph interstate and brake testing this tank. I'm at a loss. The only thing I can think of the last two times I filled up the auto shut off cut too soon and the tank wasn't full. I did go to a different gas station today. Anyway, little disappointing. But I suppose 54mpg isn't terrible. It's almost as if someone siphoned gas from my tank while I was in classes today.... Was below E the entire drive home. I didn't think anything of it because when I drove to school today it was above E. I totally thought I could go home and go back to school again, but I would have run out of gas if I had tried. Usually there is a period of bouncing around the E line. But ride home never budged- stayed below E. 10 gallon tank is near empty at 9.662 fillup! Now on this new tank the gas gauge isn't falling as fast as it did on the last two tanks, which only confirms this tank was filled up more than the previous two, which would account for the high MPG numbers for the last tank 62.6 and the low mpg for this tank. Guess I'll have to average this one into my total as well to get an idea of my actual FE. So for the three tanks the average is 59.51.

The only other thing I can think of the bad FE run is the right rear tire has a leak. I topped off my tires right after filing up this tank and the PSI was fine for the other tires but the right rear was like 25PSI. If it had been low for awhile, and there is reason to suspect so, since I noticed a nail in it about two weeks ago, (when Wombosi and I first did the brakes) then I suppose it could significantly hinder my FE. What do you guys think? Also, do I need to get a new tire, or is it repairable? If I get a new tire I have to get two new tires, right? Cause you can't have one new tire and one slightly worn tire on the same axle, right?
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:25 PM   #14
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Are you filling at the same gas pump at the same station? My gas log was all over the map until I started using the same gas pump. I put the pump on slow and let it stop at the first click without trying to top it off. Once I started doing this, my tank to tank avg mpg seemed to be alot better.
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Old 09-27-2007, 05:54 AM   #15
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The hilly country definitely seems to yield the best mpg's (just look at our number one hypermiler). I'm sure it's also the fact that your average speed there is somewhere between 38 and 48 (which I would not dare drive on the highway), but still great mpg.
Just clocked my personal high on a tank of 58.8 going just under 60 for 450 miles. I do mostly highway driving and the terrain is pretty much flat and I feel that driving wise there isn't too much left to do and that that 58.8 is close to the best I can do with the car it is right now. This weekend I am going to put a temporary grill block on the VX and cover up the rear wheels and then it is off to Michigan again and back. I will drive the same way I did last weekend and will post what the difference is in gas mileage. I have seen the numbers on MetroMPG's site and thus am expecting a 3 percent increase in mpg.
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Old 09-27-2007, 03:31 PM   #16
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My route is pretty good. It's a winding road so you can't really go that fast anyway (there are a few straightaways and I always feel guilty if I don't go 50 on them, but I usually don't!) and there are few stops. I rarely stop at stop signs (unless cars are coming of course) so that helps the FE a lot I think. I also try to maintain speed turning so I can go into 3rd and not second after the turn. 20mph you can use third gear.

3% increase on 58.8 would be 60.56

A little story: A friend of mine went roaring by me recently in his big contractor Chevy pick up. He's like "Jason, you drive slow." I'm like "yeah, but at 40mph I'm getting 75mpg (I dunno if that's true, but it's prolly not too far off) He's like "wow, I get about 12mpg" Well, he did make it to the hardware store in time. It's always fun telling people I get 60mpg. Their amazement is priceless. I don't always tell them I drive like their grandmother tho. I don't think I've ever seen someone hypermiling. At least not the way I do. Never been behind someone going real slow, then they get to a hill and go real fast, and then slow at the bottom of the hill. I have been behind plenty of slow drivers who drive really slow for the sake of driving slow. Braking down slight down-grades at 40mph!! Kills me. I've almost passed someone in neutral. Was so tempted. There is a pretty big hill on my return route. I start coasting at 40mph and max out at about 53-54mph. So this guy is driving really slow, ridiculously slow - 35mph. I leave a gap between us so I don't have to brake at the hill, but I still caught up with him going down it--but didn't have to brake fortunately. If I had timed it right, I could have passed him at the top of the hill in neutral. Always knida wanted to do that. Would be grand.
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

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Old 09-28-2007, 06:15 PM   #17
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Wink re: Passing in neutral...

Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX View Post
... I've almost passed someone in neutral. Was so tempted....
I had to chuckle out loud at that. My own commute sometimes has me cursing the need to brake on downhill runs. If only those other cars weren't merging from side streets or braking to keep under the speed limit.
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Old 10-03-2007, 02:20 AM   #18
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What mods do you have on your car?
The bst I got was 52mpg. I avg about 46-48MPG on a cal vx.


Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX View Post
Well, can't complain. Some solid FE over two tanks of gas. First tank I posted about earlier, how the gas nozzle was in backward and overspilled--and I wasn't sure the tank was full. So, yeah, it wasn't full. So that first tank ended up averaging 67.06 over 529.82 miles (that was a false reading of course, because the tank wasn't full. And therefore the following tank which averaged 58.45mpg was also not accurate). However, the average of the two tanks does yield an accurate reading of 62.6mpg, which is an accurate reading for both tanks because it's the combined fuel for the 1026.64 miles traveled and the 16.4 gallons of gas used. I filled the tank properly this time all the way to the top (topping off a little as I normally do)

Things to bear in mind about this FE. Car has cheapo $35 Walmart tires on the front and michelin sport tires on the back. Definitely not anything close to spec tires. No mods have been done to the car.

Edit: some details on the sort of driving:

lots of pulse and glide on the hills with some engine off coasting, otherwise steady state driving at speeds mostly between 38 and 48mph. Fair amount of driving in town, which is often crowded for several minutes of 3-8mph driving.

Multiple futtsing around to get the brakes seated right and stop making noises. About 10 miles of accelerating to 50mph and then braking short to 0mph and repeat. and in reverse etc and other miscellany poor FE practices, like today when I passed 2700RPM and momentarily felt the VTEC surge to merge into traffic. The little snot-nosed hatch goes when it needs to. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I drove 75-80mph the first 80 miles of the tank from Worcester to Lee, MA on I-90 (The Mass Pike). Other than that, it was slow on the go!

Hmm... couple other little things. Filled up in Worcester MA (probably a lower elevation than the rolling hills of the Berkshires where I finished the two tanks) The route on I-90 is fairly hilly all the way including reaching an elevation of 1736 feet. But I don't think hills hurt FE much because I think they act like P&G. But who knows, maybe FE in Florida would be better.

On that note, couple notes on temps. Obviously plenty of cold starts. Last night was the coldest start. There was frost on my windshield! So we'll call that a 32 degree cold start. Otherwise driving has been mostly in the 50s-70s.

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