So today's high is going to be 26*F. When I left my house it was 14*F. Now to some this may not be cold. To some this may even be a heatwave.
Now I'm not complaining about the cold b/c I'm cold myself. Piling up the layers and its not that bad. Rather I'm complaining about the cold b/c my car didn't even get to full operating temps when hypermiling to work today. And I have seen my gas guage drop dramatically during this cold front.
The biggest issue with this is the location of my apartment to where I park my car. But I think I can make it work.
So this is the one I will be buying for my Honda! With Amazon's SuperSaver Shipping the price you see will be the price it will be to get to my door.
It will be about 2-3 weeks before I can install it but I'll keep everyone updated with how this goes.